The Dollies Go to a County Fair Parade!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
The County Fair in the county we live in had their fair this weekend! One of my favorite things about country fairs is the parades! The floats, the bands, the candy… So much fun to be had!
A few of the dolls found out about the parade and really wanted to watch!! FrannDoll was so excited to go watch that she forgot to put on her shoes as we went out the door! Luckily it’s summer and shoes are totally optional. She and LeanneDoll found a good spot to watch!!
FrannDoll had found a good spot before but decided it wouldn’t be enough room for the whole group to get a good view of the parade. 
Oh my goodness here comes the first Marching band!! They are LeanneDoll’s favorites!
MyfanwyDoll finally made it out, just in time to see the beautiful giant American Flag go by!
Another band!! What a great parade!
Finally HeatherDoll made it out… She got to chatting with the other dolls and missed half the parade!
But she made it there in time for the float all the dolls decided was the funniest… The one with the giant Pizza Man!
HeatherDoll was so glad she didn’t miss all the marching bands because she loves them too!
The last to go by were the horses and FrannDoll was glad to see that because she loves horses! So much fun for the Dollies to get to go to their very first Parade! They went back to the doll house and stayed up for hours telling the other dolls all about their adventure!!
Better run!
Till next time!

2 thoughts on “The Dollies Go to a County Fair Parade!

  1. I saw real Leanne in FB. Leanne Doll takes after real Leanne a lot. You chose a perfect doppelganger doll for her. Wish she had good time with you.


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