Lemonade, Ice Water and Slushies!! Dolly Drinks for 18inch Dolls!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
I finally got around to trying to make some Dolly Drinks for the Doll House. I’ve seen them done by so many people in my Doll Groups on Facebook that I knew I’d eventually try a few of my own… Having recently becoming even a bit more obsessed with having cute food and drinks for my Dolly Parties, I am back to realizing how expensive it is to buy them! I have a lot of thirsty Dollies!! So… In the interest of not breaking the bank keeping them hydrated (teeheehee), I decided it was time to make them some refreshing beverages!
So off to Pinterest I went to figure out how they were made… Low and behold I found a ‘recipe’ for them almost immediately! This blog told me all about how to make them! Isn’t the internet cool!? It was so easy and I got the glue and beads I needed at Walmart. (Not trying to endorse them or anything, it is just a store most people have close-by!) 
All you need is communion cups, pretty colored beads, clear craft glue and coffee stirrers… Or rather they used coffee stirrers in the original blog. I couldn’t find any to buy at Walmart and forgot to ask for a handful at the gas station when I went… So I got home and had no straws and wanted to make craft! Boo! Braindstormed what I might have in the house that looked ‘doll straw-ish’. Qtips!! I just cut off the ‘cotton’ ends with sharp kitchen shears. They worked out pretty well… Although I should’ve been a tiny bit more consistent in the length because some of my straws are taller than others. Oh well… That’s how you perfect a craft, trial and error, right?
As for communion cups… I got mine from church. I asked if I could take the ones they were going to just throw away anyway (they offer communion at my church every week so they go through a lot of them, hundreds a week get thrown away). I just brought them home and soaked them in soapy water and washed them well and they worked like a charm. If you don’t have access to them at your church, you can order them online… Mostly they come in lots of like a thousand but this link seems to sell them for less than $5 for 100 cups. 

Here is what they looked like right after I put them together, all ready to dry… I think they look so pretty! I decided to use some of the clear beads to make ‘ice waters’ and I think they may be my favorite of all of them. I drink a lot of ice water!

This is them next to the MyLifeAsDoll Lemonades I got the other day in my My Life As Snack Set
purchase. I laughed as I looked at them closer… I tell you, I think they used beads to make theirs too!! I’ve seen those size fruity erasers before too and don’t think I won’t be looking for them in future to add to my little drinks! One of the gals on my Doll Groups in Facebook said she liked my little drinks better than the MLAD ones! *Blushes* But they do look pretty nifty if I do say so myself…! Not like it was my idea, I just followed directions on someone elses blog. What makes me smile about that blog is that it looks like a ‘project blog’ of a mother daughter team back in 2010 and yet, even though they’ve moved on to other projects and things, their little blog is still there to teach me (and now you) how to make doll drinks. So neat!!

Here are the glue and beads I used. The beads were $2 and the glue was about $4 (maybe $3? I can’t find my receipt from the purchase but that is what I recall. 
Standby. I am posting this as is until I can come back and update with photos I took after the drinks had dried 24hrs… Phone is being a pain and won’t post blogs as smoothly as it should… So saying it’ll post, this will be updated soon!



Here are drinks after 24hour dry time:

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