My Life As Dolls Vet Set At Walmart!

Hi Doll Friends!!
So recently I went to Walmart looking for the ‘new’ doll stuff… I did find some as I told you about in this post, I also found what must be last years ‘Vet Set’ on clearance for $9! Mind you, I liked the accessories in the other set a bit better but in this one there was also a pet but, more importantly to me, a ‘Nurses Coat’!!
I’ve been wanting/needing a proper ‘Nurses Coat’ for my Kristi doll ever since I made her as a doppleganger doll for my friend Kristi who is a nurse in real life. I also needed a stethescope for her and this set had one of them too!! NICE!
Here is the set all boxed up. It also came with a needle for shots, a thermometer, small roll of bandage, a medicine bottle, a ‘cone of shame’ for the dog and a pet dog who is rather cute. 
All in all a very cute set and at $9, how could I lose? The pets at Walmart are $5 and outfits are $9ish so it was like getting the doggie free. Of the Walmart MLAD pets I’ve seen, he is probably one of the cutest I’ve seen so, nice!
Here is back of box. 
I didn’t put the pants on Kristi because they looked a bit too much like PJ pants to me… Haha. But I absolutely LOVE the Nurse Coat on Kristi! I showed the real Kristi the photo and told her it was perfect other than the dog paw prints on it. She said “No, that’s perfect because we both know how much I love dogs too!”
I did take some photos of the dog both in and out of his little cone of shame but must’ve forgotten to upload them. I’ll try and remember to come back here and upload them for you! In the meantime, check at Walmart and see if you can’t find this cute set on clearance for yourself!!
Till next time!

One thought on “My Life As Dolls Vet Set At Walmart!

  1. I guess your friend Kristi looks the same as her doppleganger doll. You showed me your several real friends, Myfanwy, Leanne and others. After seeing them, I knew you chose perfect dolls for them. I can feel even their nice personality through the doppleganger dolls. You are such a great storyteller. Haha.


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