Journey Girl Thrift Store Doll Find And Makeover!

Greetings Doll Friends!!
First off, let me say I am sorry I haven’t gotten as many posts done lately as I would’ve liked… It’s “Back To School” time in the real world and the Doll World can’t be visited as often because it keeps me busy as a one-armed-wallpaper-hanger trying to get all the items scratched off my “To-Do” list! Good news though! I have most everything done and they are ready to start on Wednesday morning! 
I’ve got so many things to tell you about, again the drafts are piled up in my Blogger App because I’ve done some doll projects and photo’d them, just haven’t had time to write them in! For instance, I have the SmallTown Flats Doll Bed Give-away in drafts, just need to write it! Will try and get that done soon! 
This past Tuesday I went into town for my customary work meeting and afterwards hit a few thrift shops to see what they might have…
Low and behold I found another Journey Girl Kelsey! I laughed because I’d just decided I need another Kelsey for a doppelgänger doll I want to make of a friend of mine from High School!
Her hair was kind of a mess but no matter cos it was coming off immediately anyway…
She was only $4.99! Not bad considering she is dressed in her original clothing. 
Her face was a bit dirty too…. Norwex Enviro cloth cleaned her right up!
When I took off her clothes I was a bit shocked to see her poor back was ripped open and you could see her stuffing!! Poor Dolly!!
I performed emergency surgery immediately! She’s right as rain now!
Right before I cut off her hair! I am getting less shy about it now because I love making custom dolls! Teehee. I knew I wanted her to be a blonde like my friend… I had three blonde wigs in my wig stash…
I kind of put this one on to just “see”… Some girls do have short hair after all and my friend who is being doppelgängered has been in Air Force her whole adult life and has had short hair a time or two during that time… I think it’s striking on her!!
The second wig I like a lot too. It is how my friend wore her hair in high school almost exactly… 
However it’s the third wig I tried on that I think will be the one I glue down. It’s a lot like she wears her hair now and I think it looks the best of the three. Which is your favorite? Let me know in comments!
So here are my JG Kelsey as she comes from store (front with red hair) my Espari Annalynn customized to black hair and now Gasper! Isn’t it neat how different they look when they have different color hair? I love all three of them! 
Here is some photos of my friend in high school who Gasper is my doppelgänger doll for. Gasper was her last name but I am calling the doll that because I already have a doll in Doll House with her first name! Do you think she looks like her? I do! Her eyes especially!
Gotta run!
Till next time!

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