Walmart "My Life As Doll" In Stores Reporting!!

Greetings Doll Friends!
As I mentioned recently, Walmart’s “My Life As Doll” line of dolls and accessories has really stepped up their game this fall.
I’ve been checking in at every Walmart I go to lately. I actually live in a town that doesn’t have a Walmart (which is fine with me!!) but the larger towns around me have several…! 
When I first heard that they’d released new doll items, I went looking to buy some but they hadn’t stocked them yet… At the time though I did find the snack stand from the last release they did on clearance for half off! I hadn’t ever been tempted at full price but I snatched it right up at $13! It’s such a cute set and once I got it home and opened, I loved it!!
Here is Josie (Tolly Tot) with a little snack shop I set up with that set… I obviously had some other items too. Some of the little food items are erasers from Walmart party section! I added the little pink shelf to top of snack counter so I would have more room to display the “wares”. Heehee.
Then when I went to a different Walmart, what do I find but a snack set with totally different foods and signs?! Also for $13. I put it in my cart and deliberated… “Do I need two? That seems a bit extravagant… But the cute mint drinks! The cute strawberry cake!!” Obviously I caved and bought it. 
Here is back of box after I got it home. 
So now my “Sweet Shoppe” is so cool! 
The dolls think so too!
As I’ve gone to different Walmart’s lately… I’ve just taken photos of what they have out. Most of the stores “My Life As Doll” sections were basically half empty but slowly, over last several weeks, they’ve started getting the new items in!
Here is the new living room set. So cute! A little too “modern” for my taste in the doll house but a great price on some cute furniture.
These were hard to pass up! I love MLAD dolls and $13 is a steal but… I’ve decided I need to not buy anymore “new” dolls… At least for a while! I have so many! So new dolls will have to be a Christmas or Birthday thing. If I find them second hand though, all bets are off! I love redeeming dolls from Toy Box Trauma. Haha. 

These are some baby dolls they sell at some Walmart’s… Perfect size for baby siblings for 18inch dolls! I might get one someday but again… I have plenty of baby doll siblings already. 
Oh but it’s so hard to leave them at store at that price! 
Here is the new vanity. I already have the Journey Girl Vanity which is very similar so I doubt I’ll ever get this one…
I almost passed out when I finally saw a boy doll in person at store! Only one of the two types they came out with but it was fun to see him! I actually ordered one when they had them up for pre-order and what a fiasco it’s been. He is supposed to arrive today actually after a few weeks of weird emails and false starts. I’ll tell you more about that when I get him and post a blog about him. 
They actually had two! I was half way tempted to just buy one and return the one who arrives but decided against it… 
The horse and ponies are adorable! Already have several horses though that I got second hand.
The mini dolls are cute… But they made them a bit bigger than the ones made my American Girl or Our Generation. Still very cute!
Here they are alongside the 18inch dolls.
This was pretty common sight… Sad empty racks.
And only the dolls on display with empty shelves and displays where the new stuff is going to go…
But slowly, item by item, I started seeing the new stuff I was curious about after seeing it on the cool new MLAD website. Here is the IceCream Bike. It’s neat but I don’t really think it’ll be one on my wish list… Too many other cool things to add! Haha. But I know a lot of gals on my Facebook doll groups really want it so I am sure it’ll sell well. 
Can’t wait to see the new fashions, especially the boy doll ones!
Well, that’s it for now with the Walmart in-store reporting! What have you found at your Walmart?
Till next time!

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