Enter to Win A SmallTown Flats Four Poster 18inch Doll Bed!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
It has been a crazy couple of weeks getting the kids ready for starting the new school year… Am sure you have been getting ready too in some way, either yourself or the students in your life. Now school has started and we are settling into a routine… Hope you are too. 
As I mentioned last week when I posted about the SmallTown Flats Trestle Table and Pair O’ Chairs set, Alison was so generous when she sent me samples of the amazing doll furniture she designed and created. She sent me two of the amazing Four Poster Beds!! 
So I decided immediately that I must share my good fortune with my lovely readers!! So, I am having a drawing to give away one of the beds! That’s right! You can win a bed for your Dolly!!

I have to say that the bed is probably my favorite of all the pieces of furniture she sent… Probably because a Doll Bed is, at least I think, the most important item of doll furniture a girl can have! I am of the school of thought that, if a girl can only have one item of doll furniture, it should be a bed. As I type that, I am not sure why I’ve always thought that way? Maybe because the only real item of doll furniture I had in my own childhood was a doll bed? It was actaully a rocking baby doll bed but I loved it! 
This doll bed is awesome!! It’s very sturdy when set up and just the right size for your 18inch Dolly or for a favorite stuffed pet to get a good nights rest in!
As I said in my previous post about them, I think this would be great for any doll or pet loving child to own at home but it’d also be an awesome investment for Grandma’s and Grandpa’s! Imagine your grandchild coming over for a sleepover visit and how delighted and more comfortable they’d be if you had accomidations for their favorite friends! It’d be a new tradition, pulling out the bed and setting it up just like a cot in the old days… So Grandparents be sure and enter contest!! 
Here Saige is modeling how perfect a size the bed is for her… She was so comfortable that she fell asleep on the job! I let her have a little nap there while I gathered the bedding and blankets…
In case you missed my first post about them, this is the furniture she sent me to show you!! It is just so amazing to me that all of it can be folded up and put back in it’s fancy top-notch envelopes and safely stored away with your doll when not being played with. Genius really…! Please go check out the SmallTown Flats by Spots & Ladybugs website to see the whole line of furniture! There are also chairs you can attach to a dinner table to make a seat for your Dolly (or Stuffed animal) and a full size couch!! 
Here is Panda sitting in the bed all made up with blankets and pillows and doll sized stuffed animals… Isn’t it sweet! The quilt is one my Grandma made me when I was little and so is a cherished item and it looks so nifty on the bed! The bed, like all the other furniture in the line, comes with stickers to personalize and embellish but honestly, for the one I am keeping, I think I like it in the stark white and will probably keep it just ‘plain’. Lots of real furniture is all white and it matches my little Journey Girl vanity perfectly just like it is! 
So how to enter the drawing??!?! Simple!! Simply:
1) Go to PCR American Doll House Blog’s Facebook Page and “Like” the page 
2) Share the photo about the contest on your page! 
Simple!! I will draw the winners name from all the entries on Sunday August 28th at 8pm Central Standard Time!! So… Good luck!! Can’t wait to pick a winner!! Due to shipping expense, contest open only to US Residents!! 
I also wanted to mention how great the Lovely Love Seat fits at the bottom of the bed!! Isn’t it fabulous? You’ll have to buy one to go with the bed if you win it! 
That’s it for now Doll Friends!! 
Till next time!

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