NEW Walmart My Life As Doll 18inch Doll Kitchen Photo Review

Hi Doll Friends!
I recently went on a bit of a kick about Walmart’s newly launched items for their My Life As Doll line of dolls and accessories at Walmart… One night I was online late and a popup ad showed up showing this kitchen… For less than $25. I hadn’t really planned to buy this one… Per the MLAD Website there is a new “wood” one that is also supposed to be released that I like better… But the price was amazing and so I added it to my cart… Also grabbed a few non doll related items so I would get free shipping… And about a week later it arrived! It took me a few days to even get a chance to open it! I don’t have much time right now so this is mostly going to be a photo review…
Here is Billy, my new MLAD boy doll, in the kitchen. Everything you see here other than the little white table comes in the set.  I’ve found out since that I was correct about the price being amazing… Maybe they were fishing for first buyers via algorithms? I had been looking at MLAD stuff a lot lately… But it was like a phantom sale because it was only that small window of time that I happened to see it that it was that price. Now it’s about $50!
It’s a very cute set. It’s almost like an efficiency apartment kitchen… Everything you need but nearly zero cabinet space! Haha.
The accessories are adorable and well made… The napkins are squares of cardboard. The cups made me giggle because they are nearly exact replicas of the communion cups from church! Ha! Why reinvent the wheel eh?
I didn’t add anything from my other doll stuff… Just wanted to show you what came with set. Also, not much else really seems to “fit” into the set very well from my other doll kitchen… My antique metal kitchen stove is much larger and so all my other doll kitchen items are scaled around it…
All ready for dessert! The little cakes are cute.
It comes with a little bar stool… But just one so I hope Billy doesn’t mind standing up. 
Here is what box looks like… Saige is modeling it just as it came home.
Here she is with back of box.
It was packaged very well from the store… It was in two outer boxes!
All in all a fun set!
Till next time!

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