Happy Chusuk!!

Greetings Doll Friends!
One awesome thing about this blog is it has been the way I have met a friend who has become very dear to me! Even though we live half a world away, we have so much in common! She lives in Korea and told me about their holiday called Chusuk. It’s like a Korean Thanksgiving. I looked up the traditions online and discovered it has many of same aspects of our own Thanksgiving… One of them being a huge feast!!
So I decided the dolls must have a Chusuk Feast in the doll house!
I tried to make it as authentic as possible after looking at photos I saw of real Chusuk Feast. The dolls had so much fun! 
Happy Chusuk!
Till next time!

2 thoughts on “Happy Chusuk!!

  1. Thank you very much for preparing a feast for Chusuk Holiday! You are such a sweet friend that you tried to share a special meal with me. They look authentic and yummy. I feel as if I were full even by seeing food.


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