American Girl Doll Bunk Bed Thrift Store Score!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
First off, I thought I’d posted this blog months ago… Just found it in my drafts… So hopefully this is not a repeat because I could’ve sworn I posted this… But just in case I didn’t, here it is. (I thought I’d posted it mid summer…??)
As many of you may have seen in my many postings of the doll house ‘bedroom’, I’ve had my home-made bunkbed for the dolls nearly as long as I’ve been blogging about them. The instructions for making an inexpensive doll bed from a shoe rack was one of my very first posts! I’ve never had an incling to replace the bed in anyway because it worked and doll beds are expensive!
Until I found an amazing find at a thrift store recently! I found this American Girl Doll bunk bed for $3.99! 

I also got this pony that day which I’ve already told you about in a prior posting. 
See? $3.99! Amazing!
I needed mattresses for it because the original mattresses were missing. So I just used the same “mattresses” I had made for my other doll bed. They were made out of a baby bed bumper pad I got thrifting for like 99cents back when I made first doll bed. They were a tiny bit too long for the newer bed so I just trimmed them down and recovered them with the pillow case “sheets”!
Safety pins hold it on well. 
Perfect! The pillow cases are vintage from the 1970s or 1980s, I love them.  
So here are some of the girls in the bedroom with the new bed!
The smaller doll bed was one of my daughters… It’s too small for 18inch dolls but the 14inch dolls use it… Like a little sister bed! 
I love that this bed has a ladder… My home made one never did. 
So keep your eyes open at the thrift store! You never know what you’ll find!
Till next time!

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