My Life As Doll By Walmart: In Store Reporting!

Hi Doll Friends!
I went to a different Walmart today. I live in rural area and we have two cities to choose from when we go to town and today we chose the one I seldom go to…

I am so blown away (and annoyed) at how some Walnarts have huge selections like this and others have hardly anything? Lame.

I only let myself buy one thing, the little shopping basket with groceries in… But I wanted one of everything! Hahaha! Maybe it’s good they don’t have so much at my regular store? 
So. Much. Cool.
I chose the Walmart basket. The contents were same on either one…
This set gave me pause…. So cute! But I already have a doll laptop and phone and backpack… Maybe some other time…
This slumber party set was cute… I think I might try and make the milks at home!
Camping set is neat! But I have a tent already…
This chair is interesting…

That’s all I saw… What are you seeing at your Walmart?

Till next time!

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