Recent Thrifty Finds Thrift Shop and Flea Market!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As you know, whenever I happen to be close-by to a Thrift Shop, I have to stop in just in case there are any doll sized items there. On Friday I had to go into a nearby town that has a thrift shop and I found some really great items there!
Check out this Vintage Tupperware in the 1980’s colors! We had this same exact Tupperware when I was a kid… Each of us had our own assigned color and ‘my’ color was orange.. So it was so neat to see them again and in doll size! The best part? The price!
The cake taker was only 50cents and the cups and plates were $1.00 for all of them! Score!! They are actually the tiniest bit too large for 18inch dolls, scale wise…. Unless you ‘pretend’ that these are like the large 32oz Tumblers and they did make those! My mother was a Tupperware lady and so I’d know!
The cake taker, while a bit large, is fun because you can stick the dolls hands in under the handles and they can hold the cake taker all by themselves!

Here is a photo of some other finds… The little ‘tea strainer’ was new in the box but I unboxed it for the photo so you could maybe see why I bought it for the doll house. It looks like a large pasta strainer and little bowl it comes with will be a great pet bowl! 
I didn’t realize at first what the red cups were, thinking they were just more play cups. They actually came in the bag with the Tupperware plates and cups and was about to donate them back until I realized they were ‘stacking cups’ like my kids had played with at school so much! Awesomeness!
The plates in the bag with the little girl on them were only 15cents and I loved the Holly Hobby look of the little girl on them… I think the smaller size will be great for the doll house and the larger size will just get donated back to a thrift store. 
The little golden forks were perfect size and I’ll never have a shortage of forks for dolly dinner parties ever again…. I’ll have to find someone to share some of them with. The little Candy Corn shaped erasers are perfect for Halloween cookies. The little whisk was only 50cents and how cute is that? The Battle Ship Game was only 35cents. I love thrift stores! So much fun for so little money!
Here are Cat and Marissa enjoying some cookies on the new plates!

Susannah loves her new whisk!
The girls decided to try and teach themselves how to play dominoes!
Cat turn out to be an ace at the stacking cups!

This is some other stuff I got… See there are the dominoes I mentioned. The little baskets were so cute and I just removed the embellishments they had on them and will use them this upcoming Easter as Easter baskets perhaps. The little Bible is because I can’t resist the Bible big or small… I love the Word of God. I bought the cheesy 80’s wall adornment (with pink flower) to cut off the cute little doll sized spools of thread. It was only a quarter and so it was worth it. The stockings, obviously, will be for the girls at Christmas time! We have a beautiful fireplace from Frann to hang stockings on, I needed some! They were only a quarter each! I am taking the cards out and might put photos of the appropriate dolls in them at Christmas… Who knows?
Here is Brandy with the basket after I took the cheesy stuff off it’s handle with the cute little doll sized spools of thread in it. 

Cute baskets!
Susannah said “These will be great at peach season when we have to harvest them so often!” 
Here is a photo of the little tin dishes and forks in their box. The plates were all in pretty amazing shape considering they are probably 30 years old if not older… The little box of forks, if I had to guess, probably sat in some persons drawer for 40years waiting for a party fancy enough to warrant them being used. Luckily for me, they ended up saving them for my dolls parties in the future! Right?
Here is Brandi enjoying a Halloween cookie! Notice the coat on her chair… She had it on in the first photo as well..

Perhaps you noticed the outfit Cat was wearing…? Well, I mentioned in the title of this blog Thrift Shop and Flear Market Finds…? I went by Flea Market recently and my favorite Toy Vendor had some 18inch doll clothes! She charged me $2 for this outfit and $2 for each of the jackets.
I love both coats so much for different reasons and perfect timing since it’s turning cooler by the day…
Perhaps you noticed the white coat on Frann on the trip to the Tree Park the other day…? It just made her outfit!
I saw these cute doll clothes too but I am just a bit too cheap to pay $10 an outfit for outfits that aren’t really in ‘my’ styles… Still… Very cute and fun to see. 

That’s it for now Doll Friends!

Till next time!

4 thoughts on “Recent Thrifty Finds Thrift Shop and Flea Market!

  1. Wow, what amazing discoveries! Every now and then I visit the thrift store, but many have closed in our area. So I have little to choose from. Yesterday I checked out a Salvation Army store, but only found a cute little decoration I couldn't resist. I esp love the Tupperware items you found. It brings back such memories of the 1970's!


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