My Life As Doll Movie Night Accessories Set At Walmart

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Ever since My Life As Dolls brand at Walmart came out with their new line of accessories this year, I’ve been searching for a set I saw on the My Life As Doll Website that was just too cute… However, as much as I’ve seen many of the other new sets at several different Walmart’s, this one never seemed to make an appearance. 
Until the last time I went to Walmart…! Then, there it was. I snatched it up and might or might not have squeeled in excitement like a little girl when I found it. Haha.
It comes with two ‘tickets’ (Which I think are a bit silly because they are the same size as ‘real’ movie tickets… Huh? But whatever…) and two ‘popcorns’, two pieces of pizza, two suckers and, my favorite part, two pairs of 3D glasses!! How fun!!! As you can see, above, the popcorn comes in a cardboard sleeve and is a plastic piece with popcorn shape at the top. The pizza is yellow and ‘hollow’ in the back and the ‘tickets’ are made from cardboard and blank on the back. 
Here it all is in the package… Cute huh?
And the back of the package…
I found the set just in time for the doll slumber party I was setting up!! Here is FrannDoll and HeatherDoll and SamanthaDoll all talking at party with the popcorn and sodas in the scene. Love it!!
They also had several other cute sets…. I’d never seen the ‘Art’ set before… I won’t lie, I don’t think I’ll ever buy that one. You can find doll sized easels made out of wood for not too much and I think they’d be cuter than this one. But I am sure if my daughter was still into 18inch dolls, she’d want it because she is my ‘artist’. So… Am sure it’ll make plenty of girls happy. 
They also had their Halloween costumes out for the dolls! So many cute ones! I didn’t buy any because I am usually much too cheap to spent $10 on a doll outfit unless I have a windfall of fun money or something… Not to mention I have several doll costumes already at home and will just use those for Halloween this year. 
This is was the first time I saw the Loft Bed. It’s cute but made from plastic and so I think the price is a tiny bit much… But it’s cute!

Then I saw the stables for the horses and I don’t think I’ve seen those before? Neat! I don’t know how people store big items like that?!? Do you have one? How do you store it?

Well that’s it for now doll friends!
Till next time!

One thought on “My Life As Doll Movie Night Accessories Set At Walmart

  1. There are just TOO many cute dolly props around lately! And because I live in Canada I rarely see any of them, although lately I have had access to Our Generation props, thanks to large stores which are now stocking the items here! I love looking at it all, but don't have too many dolly dollars to spend at the moment. Also I've run out of room. LOL


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