Our Generation Doll Bike Find at Goodwill!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
When I was a little girl, I always fancied having a ‘brand new pink bike with a basket with flowers on it’ like many of my friends often had. As it was, my father was a bit of a genius with regards to bike repair and since he was, he always saw brand new bikes as a frivilous expendeture our humble family of six couldn’t afford when he could build me a bike out of spare parts from second hand sources. I know… The tragedy! I am kidding… I always had a bike and that was better than many children. This last week at Goodwill though, God proved to me that He knows and remembers even our childish wishes and sometimes it’s just a matter of being patient enough for them to arrive. 
Because look what I found!! A pretty pink bike with a basket with flowers for the dollies. I couldn’t have been more than thrilled. Ironically enough, it had a few broken bits. What’s funny is, as a grown woman, this fact actually make the bike more meaingful to me because there is nothing I love more than a good redemption story! Be it for a doll or a doll bike or a person, I love hearing about broken becoming mended. You know? I don’t know how much time or energy I’ll put into fixing the pedals? Unless you’re looking for it, you don’t notice them and I think it’ll make a good enough doll bike for photos…. What do you think? I am sure my husband could figure out some thing to use to make pedals so maybe I’ll change my mind? For now, I couldn’t wait to get it out and photograph it! 
Here are MarissaDoll and KarrieDoll checking out the bike in the driveway on a nice afternoon last week after I brought it home. 
They were so excited!! Marissa hasn’t learned to ride a bike yet and so she let Karrie give it the first go! 
She sat on the curb to watch. 
The basket is just perfect to put the dolls bag into it! 
Isn’t it cute! I paid $5.99 for it at Goodwill. You can still find the new version from Our Generation at Target. It’s $35.99 regular price as I write this. That’s a bit rich for my blood but I don’t think it’s that bad a price considering it really is a heavy metal bike. I am telling you, I think if dolls came to life and could really push the pedals, they could totally ride it for real!
Karrie looks so cute on it!
There she goes!
What a great bike find! 
That’s it for now doll friends!!
Till next time!

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