Our Generation Bathtub Set for the Doll House!

Hi Doll Friends!
Recently I received a bit of a windfall of cash… I’ve been wanting to get a bathtub for the doll house for quite a while and so I decided to buy one! I had made a bathtub before but I wasn’t ever really happy with it because I have always loved claw footed bathtubs and that’s what I really wanted for the doll house. So when I got my fun windfall of cash, I went and purchased the Our Generation variety because it was on sale for only $23.00!
Here is the bathroom with the new bathtub! Isn’t it cute??!

I forgot to photograph the box before I ripped into it and so I am showing you stock photo I found in google. This is what the box looks like…. 
Here are the accessories that it comes with. So. Much. Cute!!

And a stock photo from Google of all of it comes with as well…
As you can see, I already had a few sets of the same sort of accessories I’d picked up second hand and so the dolls have grooming lotions potions and other notions galore!! Perfect for spa nights!
Out of time for just now so I’ll have to leave the rest of the review to be done with just photos… 

Till next time Doll Friends!!

4 thoughts on “Our Generation Bathtub Set for the Doll House!

  1. I like the white one so well! I looked at the one on Amazon that is white but it was same cost and didn't come with as many accessories I don't think… Not to mench the day I bought this it was kind of an impulse purchase because I got a surprise windfall of mad money. Haha. So I went and bought it and brought it home. Sometimes store fronts are just more convenient than mail order. LOL


  2. Thanks friend!! I thought it was a cute and nice touch that the set came with the little cucumber slices to put over the dollies tired eyes. Haha! Such touches make their sets almost impossible to pass up. Cos how cute is that? LOL


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