Our Generation Winter Coat From eBay!

Hi hi hi Doll Friends!
Perhaps you’ll recall me going a bit bonkers with buying some Our Generation ‘Seconds’ clothes on eBay a few months ago…. Well, at that time I bought a winter coat even though it was the middle of summer. Being from Nebraska, I know winter will always come and coats will always be needed! 
So the other morning when I went out and had to scrape the frost off the windows I thought “Hey! It’s totally time to haul out the winter items for the dolls!” We can’t have them getting cold, now can we? 
So I pulled out the coat and an outfit to match and decided Frann should be the model because it’ll be FrannDoll’s first winter in Nebraska!
So cute! I love the coat. It reminds me of so many coats I had a kid, all fresh and new like they were at the very beginning of the winter before you’ve played in snow and stuffed them into lockers and whatnot… Like snow before you play in it, fresh!
I love how cute Frann looks with the hood up! 
I didn’t get the whole set that originally came with the coat if I’d have purchased it at Target but as I recall, it was about $5 including shipping so I am happy with it all the same! 
Better run…! Trying to get a back-log of drafts that I finally got to post from Blogger App to upload from phone!
Till next time!

2 thoughts on “Our Generation Winter Coat From eBay!

  1. I know! This year has flown by… I can't believe next year marks a year since we moved, for instance. I love the doll coat and it looks so cute on FrannDoll! 🙂 It'll be fun to get some shots with the dolls in the snow this winter… Saying I am brave enough to get out in the cold to take them. LOL I want to though because they'd be adorable!


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