Dollar Store Baby Binky Party Favors As Doll Ring-Pops!

Hi Doll Friends!!
I know… I know… More doll candy?? Yes, I am a bit obsessed with making doll candy… I’ll admit it! I think I’ve gotten it out of my system for now. When I told you about the inexpensive DIY doll lollipops that I made from Dollar Tree baby shower party favors, I wanted to go back and get some more… Cos I have a lot of dolls needing lolli-pops!! Actually I’ve ended up making a surplus and might need to do a give-away…? Teehee! Do you thnk that would be lame? To give away something so inexpensive and simple to make? Thoughts? My last few give aways have had lackluster response and so maybe it’s a silly idea. Haha. So if you’d be interested in getting an assortment of Dolly Lolli’s, let me know in comments and I’ll run a contest!
When I went back for another package of the ‘rattles’ to make lolli’s, what did I find but ‘baby binkies’ in the same section of the store… As you can see in the photo above, I’d already used some baby binkies as ‘ring pops’ (see the blue ones on far right side of the rack on the left? Those are the ones I got from a thrift store…) but these were a bit bigger and not clear plastic… I thought they’d be perfect doll ring pops!!
So I bought $2 worth (two packages) and brought them home to paint!! I did them just like the Lolli’s procedure wise… Just painted them with nail polish in several coats until they were pretty candy colors… Then I tucked them into the ‘edge corner’ of a plastic sack and twisted the plastic and taped around it… They are the candy you see in the big ‘punch bowl’ in the middle of the two candy display racks. Do you think they look like ring pops? 

Here is all the candy on display in the Doll’s Sweet Shoppe. So much fun!!

Till next time!!

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