Birthday Slumber Party At The Doll House!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Since it was Heather Doll’s Birthday and a huge windfall of Birthday clothes had recently arrived at the doll house, including PJs, the dolls decided a Birthday Slumber Party was in order…

Here are Heather Doll, Jen Doll, Myfanwy Doll, Patricia Doll and Susannah Doll at the party eating cake… Heather is about to open a gift from Josh Doll. He obviously couldn’t come to the party because it’s a slumber party of girls! 

“Hmmm… What is this? Such pretty colors…”
How cute!! Thanks Josh Doll!!
“How does it look?”
Heather Doll knew not everyone liked the same sort of cake and so she served a variety of cup cakes for the party… They were a big hit!
As you may have noticed, Frann Doll hadn’t been able to make it to the party because of other plans that had come up…. But then her plans changed again to later in the evening and she was able to drop by the party!! She even changed into PJs so she’d match the other girls even though she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep over this time. 
Heather Doll was so glad to see her!! “I’m so glad you’re here!!” 

I gotta give you as squeeze!!
Doll Best Friends Forever!! 💓
So the girls had some cake and a great chat but then sadly it was time for Frann to go so she could make it to her other engagement. They all promised to have another slumber party soon so she could sleep over then!
The rest of the girls made their way to the bedroom for more slumber party fun… Here are Myfanwy and Jen discussing makeup and haircare.
Patricia and Susannah decided to play a game… Board games are the best!

I wonder who will win?
The party lasted late into the night as the girls all chatted and told ghost stories!
Heather Doll is pretty sure it’s the best Birthday Party she’s ever had!  What is your favorite way to celebrate your birthday?
That’s it for now doll friends!
Till next time!

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