Beautiful Hand Knit Sweaters! A Gift From Frann!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Happy Friday! Here we are like a third of the way through December and I can hardly even believe it’s December at all yet! Time flies, eh? Is it cold in your kneck of the woods? It’s really gotten cold here in the smack dab middle of the USofA. Yesterday was in the 20s… Which feels really cold when the day prior was like 30-40degrees warmer! However, I must admit there are things I love about this time of year, despite the cold or perhaps because of it. Cardigan sweaters! I love them! They are so comfie and warm but also chic and fasionable! Win win. You learn that the key to staying warm is ‘layers layers layers’ and a nice cardigan sweater is a wonderful way to keep warm without having to go about in your coat all day long. Teehee.
My wonderful sister friend Frann likes cardigans too! The weather where she lives is, we have discovered, practically identical to the weather here. Which is actually kind of neat because we are both having the same seasons at same time. So, as I am out starting my car in the cold, I can imagine Frann doing the same thing in her frozen part of the world too. Makes the world seem smaller, that. Don’t you just love the internet and how it’s made the world seem that way? I digress…
So what did Frann do? She sent some gorgeous cardigan sweaters for the dollies!! Aren’t they lovely?? She sent four to the Doll House… She told me to pick two and to forward on the other two with a parcel I was planning to send her way including the Twinsie Carpatina doll I got to send to her recently. She also sent me an amazing handbag, a ‘real’ one’ for me and it’s the nicest hand bag I’ve ever owned! So gorgeous! I’ve been carrying it for a couple of weeks now and I love it. She purchased a twinsie bag just like mine for her self that arrived with mine and it also got tucked into the parcel… Isn’t she sweet to me? Thanks again Frann!! So naturally I had to pose the girls with the matching doll bags Frann sent me for the dolls in the sweaters. 
So I wanted to get the parcel ready to send off to Frann as soon as possible so I slipped the girls into the sweaters in the outfits they happened to be wearing at the time… So naturally the ensembles are not coordinated… But actually most people have that ‘favorite’ cardigan that they wear all the time irregardless if it ‘matches’ their clothes so it makes sense anyway. I thought they looked smashing even if not totally coordinated. Don’t you think? As you can see, she sent two multi-colored sweaters… 
And two ‘solid’ color sweaters. All four gorgeous! So I thought it made sense to keep one of each, one mulit-color and one solid color. I couldn’t decide which ones because they were just so pretty so I actually (Don’t laugh! I couldn’t decide!) put two sets in bags and blindly chose one bag… 

The one I chose of the sets were the pink solid color and brown’s multi colored sweaters. They are so lovely! Here are Frann Doll and Heather Doll helping to carefully pack all the items into the parcel that we sent off to Frann a few days ago… So excited for her to get it! Always fun to have a Twinsie Doll arrive at her new home across the globe to join her other doll sisters there! What an adventure! 

I want to post a linky to the gal that makes them but I just stalked her Facebook profile (LOL, kidding! Well, sort of… I did look to see if she had linky) but can’t find a linky to her Etsy Shoppe but I’ll ask her (I sent her a friend request) and come back to share it with you.

Better run for now…
Have a great weekend!

One thought on “Beautiful Hand Knit Sweaters! A Gift From Frann!

  1. Oh! You are kind enough to think the knitter who made our gorgeous sweaters. She is Diane Crutchley, having another doll group. She shows lots of knit items and shares her patterns. I know how difficult it is to make new outfits by knitting, I'd like to show my thanks. I am excited to wait for a twin doll and sweaters.


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