Cradle For American Girl Doll Baby Siblings!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As you may recall if you’ve been a long time reader of my blog, I’ve got quite a few baby siblings in the Doll House! Then after I found those I found another baby sibling and that was all after the very first baby sister that ever came home. However, I haven’t shown them much in the Doll House because the only accessories I really had for them was a doll stroller I found at the Flea Market a while ago… For some reason when I got the high chair with one of the babies, I thought it was too short and got rid of it? Sometimes I make some pretty goofy decisions! As I recall we were in the middle of a move and I was probably trying to hold how much stuff I was buying to a minimum…? Who knows?
All that being said to say that one thing I always really wanted to find for the babies was a baby bed… I didn’t really have an idea in my mind what that might look like, only that I wanted one. I imagined I’d end up with a plastic sort at some point or another because I figured if they made the small dolls they likely make beds of that same size…. So it was only a matter of time until I found one, right? Well, right time was this weekend apparently!! I went to my small town thrift store right as they opened on Friday (always the best time to go, the ‘newer’ donations have all just been shelved!) and went right to toy room and what did I see on the shelf but this adorable little baby doll cradle!! It’s perfect!! I think anyway…
Even more perfect? The price!! It was only $1.50!! As you can see, it was a bit dusty but otherwise it was in great shape!!
Here are a couple of the baby sibs trying it out with Patti Doll to watch over them to make sure they don’t fall out.
I am so excited for upcoming ‘doll rooms’ in the Doll House to be set up for the babies… As you may notice in the photo, there is a Baby Doll that wasn’t mentioned in the links about baby doll stories. 
I’ve been planning a post about them for months now but obviously haven’t made it happen. I started finding GiGo Expressions Dolls at thrift stores at the beginning of summer this year… Then I found a lot of them on eBay for a song too. As you can maybe see in the photo (above) that I stole from my latest Doll Room Tour I have quite a few. So it’s been in planning stages for months now, a post about them… Just keep bumping into holidays that keep my focus elsewhere! Haha. January is a long cold house bound month with no holidays in it anywhere though so I’ll hope to get a post done to tell you all about them next month. I am planning on making a ‘Babysitters Club’ for the dolls just like the Baby Sitter Club Books I read a girl. I actually used to own the Baby Sitter Club Dolls but they weren’t my favorite due to their slim line bodies and fragile feeling nature and so I sold them on eBay a while ago… No regrets, the lady who bought them was super stoked to find them!
I also found these cute hats at the Thrift Store!! They were made for newborn babies! I found them in the baby clothes room… I always look for baby clothes to upcycle into doll clothes even though I have a ton at home already waiting to be made over. Haha! I am pretty sure they were brand new and they were only 25cents each! Score! I have a lot of doll heads needing to stay warm this winter! So, perfect! 
So always check around your thrift store and think “Doll size!!” as you look and you never know what you’ll find that may not be actually ‘made for’ dollies but that works like a charm!
Better run! Want to get one more post done before I get started on this Monday…
Hope this finds you staying warm!

2 thoughts on “Cradle For American Girl Doll Baby Siblings!!

  1. You are lucky to enjoy shopping around thrifty stores to have lots of interesting stuffs. In Korea there are not as many doll stuffs as in your neighbor. I went shopping to the mall last night and bought lots of cleaning tools instead of doll items. haha.


  2. Hi hi hi Frann! I am lucky to have so many great ones… When we lived in Idaho a few years back and the thrift store market wasn't nearly as posh. Although, when it comes to toys, you can find second hand ones just about anywhere because there are kids everywhere. I wish I could take you thrift store shopping sometime! It'd be so much fun! I'd love to see what manner of shoppes you have in Korea too! I bet they'd be fun for me just because they'd be different. 🙂


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