My First Wellie Wisher and ToysRUs In Store Reporting!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
So I’ve known that my local ToysRUs store was going to be one of the ones that sold American Girl dolls… I had stopped in a few months ago to look for something from the Journey Girls line and there was not one item left in the store from Journey Girls which, I learned at the time, was because they were going to be getting in American Girl doll products. I imagine it’s a contract stipulation from American Girl Doll company. At the time they only had one little section of AG stuff and I assumed that it’d be the same as the Journey Girls and they’d have one half of an aisle devoted to them. Silly me. That was not the case at all and had I known, I’d have dropped in and done an “in-store report” long ago. Oh well, better late than never right? 
I’ve never been to a ‘stand alone’ American Girl Doll store so I don’t have that to compare it to but I was really impressed by the display they had for American Girl products. It was very prominently displayed in the front of the store and it pretty much ran for at least a third of the whole front of the store! It was amazing, really.
Because, much like I’ve seen in photos from the actual AG stores, they had these awesome clear boxes containing dolls modeling the items they had for sale in the boxes below the display… The little scenes they set up were so much fun to look at! Sadly I was short on time and so I am probably going to be looking closer at these photos later myself because I only had about ten minutes to run my errand! So I literally went around just snapping photos like paparazzi or something. Haha. It’s a good thing I get less and less self conscious about such things! I have no ‘doll photo taking shame’ left… Only time I am hesitant is when I have my family with because, well, I don’t want to embarrass them! Hahaha. My husband just thinks I am cute and actually encourages me but… Well… Lets just say my kids are not quite so on board with public displays of my doll hobby. Oh well, gotta pay them back for the toddler years of sometimes public tantrums somehow, right? Just kidding! Honestly they were pretty good on that score but all kids have their moments!
Anyway, so I took photos of each display to show you in case you are even further away from any manner of American Girl shops than I am, be it the ToysRUs version or the actual store.  
As you can imagine, it was fun to think of buying “One (or two?!) of everything!!” It is all so cute!! However, American Girl stuff is on the more pricey end of the spectrum and I honestly can’t see enough difference between their accessories and clothes from OG or JG to justify the difference in cost… But… Oh. My. Cute!!
I love the little flute! My husband played flute as a boy so it’d be fun to get a flute for my Josh doll. Heehee… Maybe sometime I’ll go nuts and buy one?
The Wellie Wishers are so cute! They are actually the reason I stopped in… Teehee. I got a bit of a windfall of mad-money yesterday and it immediately started burning a hole in my pocket to go to TRU and buy my first Wellie Wisher!! I knew that a Wellie would be my next ‘expensive doll’ purchase. I have kind of a list of ones I’d like to get at least one of and they were on it naturally. I went in with my favorite two in mind and wasn’t sure how I was going to choose between them because I loved them both. I wanted either Emerson or Ashlyn but I literally wasn’t sure how I was going to choose because they were both lovely. Hmmm… I thought maybe I’d even have to toss a coin or something. However, the decision was made pretty easy by one fact. They didn’t have one Emerson doll in the entire store other than in the display cases. So… Ashlyn came home with me!
The Wellie Wishers really are adorable. After seeing them in person, I am not pretty sure I wouldn’t mind having one of each of them… Hahaha. Just kidding. Sort of… I mean, if I won like a billion dollars you can bet your bottom dollar I’d likely have one of everything. Eh? If you’re going to dream, dream big I always say! Teehee.
I loved the little house for the Wellie Wishers… I’ve seen people make DIY versions and can see why they’d want to. So sweet.
Loved the violin and stand! I have a violin for my Lilly doll but it’s actually a Christmas ornament I found once… So it didn’t have a case or a stand. Still mine was like $1 at a Garage Sale and that’s much more easy to swallow cost wise. 
Such cute outfits!
And what a selection! I guess I got it in my mind they’d only be carrying the Wellie Wishers, not the full size dolls. I was delighted to be wrong. One thing that I’ve always found prohibative about buying anything from AG is that on top of the cost of the items they also charged shipping! So… To be able to walk into store and just pick out whatever you want with no shipping is fun!
I think their little fashion separates were sweet and actually not horribly priced. Maybe I’ll even buy one or two sometime since no shipping… 

I thought this display was so cool! Great doll posing!

I love that they have braces for doll teeth too! What don’t they think of?! 

There was just so much to look at! It was such a neat surprise!
I had to run though….

So it was good I could take photos so I can look at all of it closer later too. What did we do before digital cameras and the internet? Eh?
I was delighted to find that when you buy an American Girl Doll at ToysRUs you get a fancy American Girl Doll bag to take it home in! Classy!!
Here is Ashlyn in my bag in the car on way home… So excited!! 
Here she is with her box opened…

Seeing all those cute accessories made me want to get some but… My mad-money budget only had about $35 left. How to get the best bang for my buck? I went to Target and got two Our Generation sets on sale for $15 each. They are so stinking cute!! 
So it was such a fun shopping spree! So much fun to get mad money to spend on oneself. I am a blessed girl indeed!

Here she is on my shelf… I didn’t have much time last night and so didn’t get any more photos than this one taken. So I’ll be back soon to give her a proper look at and show you how cute she is! 
Out of time! 
Till next time!

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