Walmart In Store Doll Reporting!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Wow, how can it be December 22nd already?! Three days from Jesus’ Birthday!!! Time flies! I hope this finds you peacefully tying off the loose ends of your Christmas plans and/or letting go of the expectations so you can enjoy yourself too. When it all boils down to it, it’s really about the people you’re with and celebrating Jesus, not the gifts or the decorations or the food or the plans or the venue or any of that. Right? So remember to be kind and gentle with yourself and your own inner task-master for the next few days, ok? (I am giving myself this little pep talk too folks, so please ignore if it’s too touchy feely or mushy for you.Teeheehee.)
Speaking of last minute details, I went on an errand to Walmart the other morning to see to some last minute Christmas details for my office. Since I was there and walking right by them anyway, I thought I’d take a photo of Walmart’s ‘My Life As Doll’ Doll of the Year. I’ve looked at them several times since I first saw them. I don’t think they’d been released yet when I did my last Walmart In Store Report although it looks like I mentioned them when I found my first A Day In The Life Doll Clothes Set on sale way back in November. They were on sale, at the time, for $35.00 but I only took a bit of a far away photo. 

This time, for some reason, they caught my eye a little more… Maybe because they had a ton of them left and I imagine they’ll clearance them out after the New Year as they do with most sets like this. Obviously I wasn’t tempted way back in November to shell out $35 but depending on how low they go in price, I may look to buy one. I wasn’t too impressed with the set because I have enough ‘pets’ in the Doll House (well, I haven’t really written about them yet but I do have quite a few… Yet another ‘To-Do’ post!). I also already have the Walmart My Life As Doll Vet Set and so this set would mean I’d have two of nearly all of the accessories… So, not too tempting at full price but if they put them on clearance, who knows?

I do love the ‘scrubs’ shirt that is included… I’d totally use it for my Kristi doll because she is a nurse and wears scrubs all the time. So… Maybe maybe maybe… I’ll keep watching the price. I love after Christmas clearance sales! 
As I mentioned in this post (also linked above) some Walmarts have these adorable little baby dolls perfectly sized to be baby siblings for the Doll House. I didn’t buy any at the time I saw them in that last store and have been kicking myself since. As I’ve discovered since paying more attention, all Walmarts are not the same with regards to their selections! It seems downright unfair honestly! So often I’ve seen people post about items they find at their own Walmarts and so I run off excitedly to Walmart to find the same thing and…. Nada. So disappointing! Ah well…. I digress. My point is I’ve been kicking myself since because not one Walmart I’d visited since that one has carried the little babies!! That particular store is waaaaaaay out of my way and so going back just for them wasn’t really appealing either. However, seeing them that first time compelled me to begin to look in the baby doll section for them at every Walmart I visit and……..
I found them again! Sorry for the blurry photo (above)… As I said, I was on a work errand and so just sort of passing through the toy section for a glance and didn’t have much time. So I snapped a photo of each of the adorable expressions! They are so cute!!
One of the reasons I wanted to get a set was to pick up a ‘car seat’ for the baby siblings in the Doll House… I thought it would make a perfect accessory. Here is the little baby girl in a car seat…
However… I was kind of low on funds the day I went in and could only choose one of the babies to take home. I totally fell in love with this happy giggling little girl on a bike though… I couldn’t help it. Everytime I look at her cute smiling little face, I smile. So… She was the one I chose. I haven’t taken her out of the box yet becasue I’ve been too busy and also the little boxes they come in are pretty neat and great for a display box until I get a chance to unbox her and show her to you. 
The baby in the bathtub was pretty cute too but I didn’t want a small bath tub at all since I already have a doll bathtub in the Doll House and should I ever want any of the baby sibs to take a bath, they an take one in the large tub. Heeheehee. 
Then as I was walking by the sporting good section I noticed these coolers. I didn’t have time at all to look them over but I wished I could remove one from the box and see if it would work as a retro doll fridge?? It seemed to be the right size…? Then again, at $25 it probably makes more sense to buy an actual doll kitchen that includes a fridge. However, as you know, I am always finding things second hand and so I took a mental note to start looking at Garage Sales and Thrift stores for one. One thing you can always count on with novelty items like this? That people clear them out when they need space or are moving. So, maybe someday I’ll find one just like it? Who knows. 
Well… That’s it for today!
Till next time!

One thought on “Walmart In Store Doll Reporting!

  1. I love your posts and I always read them. The doll things you find are awesome! Thank you for showing courage to photograph your dolls in public. I am wanting to find the courage to do that myself. I am wanting to find a doll to be a doppleganger for my husband as I already have one for myself.Blue-eyed dolls with rooted brown hair are hard to find! If you know of a particular brand that does have them please let me know. My hubby has very short hair and sometimes shaves his head. The wigs I have seen usually have longer hair that may not be able to be cut that short. I may just have to go with a bald headed one 🙂 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.


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