Journey Girls Limited Edition Celebration Collection Gift Set!

Hi Doll Friends!!
Happy Tuesday! I hope this finds you having had a wonderful Christmas with your families!! I am glad to report I had a wonderful, low key and relaxed Christmas. We just celebrated with our family for the weekend except for having a life long friend come eat dinner with us on actual Christmas day. What fun things did you do? 
When it came to gifts, I was so excited that my sweet husband listened to my hints and got me what I wanted!! I knew when I saw the Journey Girl Limited Edition Celebration Gift Set back when they released it I would want to ask for it for Christmas. The dolls they release in these sets are like ‘custom’ dolls in that they are not part of the regular line of Journey Girls dolls and so the only chance you have to get them is by getting the set. 
If you saw my Merry Christmas post you will have already seen this photo (above) but I only had so much time for photos and so it’s the only one I really got of them so far in the doll house… All the dolls in this photo are my more recent arrivals! I figured it would be a great idea to have a Christmas Party for them!
Here they are in thier box! They came with two additional ‘fancy’ dresses and shoe ensembles including hand bags or clutches. 
Here they are released from their box! They are both so pretty! I found it interesting that this year they didn’t name them. In last years two doll set (I haven’t actually watched this review, so I hope it’s ok… I just saw they were reviewing the doll set I wanted to reference… Short on time as ever…!) they named them. They have also always named their Limited Edition Christmas Dolls too. Perhaps they know many girls re-name them anyway and so why give them a name they won’t keep? Who knows…
Here is what the back of their hair looked like when they came out of the box…. 
I think Journey Girls have the prettiest hair even when it’s in a funny part like this.
Here is the brunette with some cute Gingerbread Houses I found on clearance at Hobby Lobby… I will be making a separate post about them but she was my model for that post since she looked so lovely in her pink and silver dress. I am not sure what I will name her yet… The blonde with brown eyes will be named Ava after one of my daughters best friends whom she favors.
Sorry for lack of photos! With all the Christmas Celebrations, I didn’t have time to take more. I am hoping to get some taken today though after I get the girls changed into ‘street’ clothes…
Till next time!

2 thoughts on “Journey Girls Limited Edition Celebration Collection Gift Set!

  1. The dolls are really nice. I don't think I have any more room for dolls. LOL! I'm concentrating on props. I posted on my doll blog about what Mary Ellen got for Christmas. I think I love the props as much as the dolls! We had a relaxing Christmas and it was lovely.


  2. I totally understand… I don't really have any more room either but can't seem to make that stop me. Hahaha. I do feel like I need to thin out at some point though because I don't want to have so many dolls that a lot of them get neglected. I try to cycle them out for doll photo shoots and clothes changes but… Some get less than others I won't lie. Maybe that'd be my gauge for who needs to go? Whichever ones collect dust. Eh? Have a great day!


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