Hobby Lobby Christmas Ornaments As Doll Accecssories!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
I wanted to get here with this information as soon as possible but still suspect it won’t help anyone until Christmas ornaments make their way back to the stores next year. Still… We all know how a year flies by in the blink of an eye and so I am sure that it may help some Mom looking for great doll accessories come Christmas 2017. Eh?
My daughter and I went to Hobby Lobby since we happened to be in town on Saturday this past week… 
I looked again at the Emma doll in thoughts of buying her to make into a boy doll… I am reasonably sure it’s going to happen it’s just a matter of when. I think she’ll make a great boy doll and I have a friend who I have been wanting to make a doppleganger doll of… But… I decided against buying the doll that day. 
Because I decided to use my 40% off coupon on this adorable Springfield Outfit with a kitty motif that I’d never seen before!! I love it! It’s going to be perfect for my doppleganger doll of my daughter because she loves shirts like this. It was the last one they had so must be popular! 
Then as you can see, I got four Christmas ornaments on clearance for 66% off even though it was still only the day before Christmas. I love them!! They are going to make perfect accessories for the doll house and I got them all for like $2 each!! FUN!!! 
We also ran by Tuesday Morning and I saw these cute Style Girl Doll clothes… Didn’t buy any because I’ve had quite a doll clothes windfall lately from my Birthday including beautiful sweaters from Frann and so I don’t really need any new doll clothes right now. (Need? Haha. You hush… All need is relative right? LOL)
I also saw these adorable tea sets that would be good for the dolls…. But I have a lot of tea sets.
My daughter fell in love with these dolls (above). I think they are pretty cute too…. But I can only focus on one kind of doll lest I need to buy a new house. She googled them when she got home and decided to spend some of her Christmas windfall of cash to buy a Ball Jointed Doll. She’s pretty excited! I told her she needs to do a guest posting about it here on the blog. Wouldn’t that be fun? 
Here is one of my new Journey Girl dolls posing with the ‘gingerbread house’ ornaments. I just unscrewed the little holder for the ornament and they look perfect! Can’t wait to show you how cute the layer cakes look with the dolls. It’s perfect timing too because we need to throw a birhtday party in the doll house this week!!
Better run! Gotta get to work. 

One thought on “Hobby Lobby Christmas Ornaments As Doll Accecssories!!

  1. They are very cute, Heather and perfect for the dolls. It's fun to shop and spot things, but I have bins full of food, teasets, clothes and props. I'm running out of room!


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