Babysitting Club at the Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!

One nice thing about inclement weather is it means more time to stay in and play dolls! We didn’t even make it out to church today because there was freezing rain and our cars were iced over… So we were home bound all day long! In it’s own way, saying you have enough food in the fridge and the power stays on, being iced in is like a vacation from the world. You can’t leave the house and so no one can get disappointed with you if you don’t. Freedom!! Right?

When I was young, I always loved “The Babysitter Club” books because I loved the idea of having a group of friends doing a project together… ‘Girl Groups’ are amazing, I’ve had the good fortune to be a member of a few now and the ‘sorority’ feeling of it is so wonderful. So, I decided to steal the idea of a babysitting club and create one with a few of the dolls in the Doll House.

I’ve been collecting baby siblings for the doll house for quite a while now… As has happened with my larger doll collection, I’ve gone maybe the tiniest bit overboard with them. Teehee… I’ve also been collecting little accessories for them here and there as I find them. I was surprised upon pulling it all out how much there was. I didn’t even put all my small baby dolls in this photo! I have five or six more. 
Sadly I thought I’d uploaded more than one photo with this posting but the Blogger app on my phone has been kaput a lot lately… So I will have to come back and upload them again later. It’s Monday morning again as I write this. (I also accidentally posted a ‘raw’ draft of it before I meant to so if you’ve visited and seen that raw draft before I got a chance to get to my laptop to write it properly, I do apologize!) So, despite the kids being off school today, I still have to work (from home on computer so it’s lovely but it means no blogging or playing dolls until evening again…) so I am out of time here for now. I hope this finds you safe and snug in your house too!
Till next time!


Update: Here are the photos! 

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