New Lanai Chairs For 18 Inch Dolls At Walmart!

Hi Doll Friends!
Just a quick ‘in store report’ here from Walmart!
I went in to Walmart on Friday for a work errand and as has become my habit, I had to go check the My Life As Doll section of the store to see if they had anything new? Sure enough, they did! 
They had these cute little aqua blue lanai chairs!! They were marked just under $8 and are very sturdy in feel… I think they are adorable and might just have to add them to my ‘wish list for the future. Then again, I only have so much space in the Doll House and as you can see in my recent New Years Florida Vacation post I already have two pretty nifty rattan lanai chairs so… Maybe I’ll just admire them in the store. They are super cute though and at about $8 it wouldn’t be too hard to buy two and have a cute set as a gift to make a little doll loving girl very happy.
I set one next to a pretty doll in a similarly colored dress so you can see scale and size of the chair. I am really happy with Walmart’s My Life As Doll line… They just keep getting better!
Better run!
Till Next Time!

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