Our Generation Doll Omaha Flea Market Find!

Greetings Doll Friends.
Uh Oh. I think I have a problem. I just can’t stop buying dolls. Perhaps I should start a chapter of D.A. (Dolls Anon) and make a support group or something? Teeheehee. Kidding! Not trying to make light of anyone who suffers with addictive tendencies at all, that’s no joke. However, I do think I am the tiniest bit addicted to buying dolls. I tell myself “That’s IT. No more new dolls for _____ days/weeks/months”  Untill….. I find another one for a good price or just too pretty to pass up and… Well… You know…
Here is the latest doll to follow me home. I tried to stop her! Haha. After church last week my daughter and I decided (since we didn’t have the guys with us) that we would stop into one of our favorite treasure hunting venues, The Omaha Mega-Market Flea Market. There is a vendor there called “Toys and More” run by a sweet woman named Karen Ramos. She has a really great selection of toys and nearly all the time she has at least one or two 18inch dolls or sometimes clothes and or accessories. So she’s a great shoppe for me and my daughter is always on the hunt for clothes for her BJD doll or for Littlest Pet Shoppes and she often finds such things there. So if you’re close to Omaha Nebraska, you should stop in and see her!
I hadn’t planned on buying a doll when I walked in… I was more looking for just clothes because I was ‘trying to be good’. Then I saw this little lady…. I won’t lie, what drew me to her was her awesome outfit with the India/Yoga motif. As you know, we love yoga in the Doll House and so I had to have this outfit for my Heather doppleganger doll!
After really looking at the doll though, I decided I thought she was beautiful too... Uh oh… 
She reminded me a lot of Adora Doll Lola which was one of the Adora dolls that wasn’t available when I happened to find them on sale recently and got a few of them. So, it was like fate giving me a second chance for a doll with Lola’s beautiful color hair and eyes. Nice! Karen generally marks her dolls $10 (I’ve seen one or two with fancier outfits that were more) and they are always in lovely shape, as are all her toys. I think that’s fair, don’t you? I still haven’t decided what I am going to call this lovely doll but I am sure she will let me know her name soon. 
Better run! 
Till Next Time!

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