My Life As Doll 18 Inch Doll Carrier Bag From Walmart

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
So… I decided a while ago that I didn’t think I really wanted to buy a ‘carry bag’ for my dolls. I have loads of tote bags and it just seemed a bit silly to buy a whole new bag when I have plenty that will ‘do the job’. Still, lately, whenever I would take Frann Doll on field trips with me to all manner of cool places like parksball fields and even shopping I would end up having to totally re-style her hair at the destination because she’d get jumbled around in the bag I’d have her in. Not to mention, as I say, she would get jumbled around and, well, not to be funny but she’d just look plain uncomfortable in the tote bag too! You know?
So I looked around at all manner of 18 Inch Doll carrying bags… I settled on starting with the My Life As Doll Carrier Bag because I happened to be at Walmart with my husband yesterday and, well, as you may know, he does tend to like to treat me and so he said “Why don’t you go pick yourself out a new doll or something?” As you also know, I have no shortage of dolls. So instead I decided to buy a carry bag for the dolls. 
After getting it home, I have to say I am pleased I got one. It is pretty well made and has ‘padded’ sides to keep dolly safe and sound inside… 
I don’t think I’ll likely ever use it but it even has a telescoping handle like a regular suitcase. Cute!!
Here it is with it retracted. 
In the front it has a nice pouch type pocket to carry an extra outfit if you want to change your doll on the road. 
Here is the tag that comes on it. 
As you can see, it came with a cardboard insert where the window is to show you what your doll will look like in the bag. It has a little velcro closing strap to ‘belt’ your doll in and keep them from jostling about… Lovely. 
Here is Frann Doll in the bag, all ready to take a new adventure! I think I will likely get one or two more carrying bags at some point because now that I have one, I really love how protected it makes the doll and when I take them out in the world, I want them to be safe and sound. I think the next one I get will be the Our Generation Doll Carrier Bag. I want to see what the differences are… I am also intrigued by this one from Badger Baskets that holds two dolls… But I read the reviews there on Amazon and one of them mentioned a dolly getting stained from the bag so… *gulp* I don’t know? I like idea of having two traveling together though. Do you have a doll travel bag? Do you like it? What are your favorite features? Let me know in comments!
Better run! Gotta get ready for church!
Till Next Time!


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