More Baby Sitting Club Photos with New Baby Bed!

Greetings Doll Friends!!
When I finished up the posts about the Baby Sitting Club at the Doll House and the Gi Go Babies I had planned to pack away all the ‘baby sibling’ gear and babies for a while and focus on other things. As luck would have it, I found one more new accessory for the baby sibs that I had to show you. 
I had looked at this Circo Baby Doll Bed set back when they sold it at Target for like $20ish. I didn’t buy it then because I wasn’t as ‘in’ to dolls and I didn’t want to have to store it. Since then I’ve apparently thrown caution to the four winds on that score! Haha. So I always thought, with regret, that I hadn’t picked up one back when they were cheaper and readily available at Target. However, perhaps it was providence!!
Because I found the little bunk bed part at Goodwill in perfect shape (like new I am telling you!) for only $1.99!! I already have a few Circo Baby siblings that I’d purchased ‘alone’ or with other sets so I didn’t really need any more of those and I have also found little ‘riding’ toys elsewhere… 
So I had to add the baby bed to my Baby Sitters Club scenes before I packed it away! What do you think? 
I also moved a lot of the babies around but little Heidi doll I tend to always pose reading… Just cos I think she is so adorable holding a book. 
I also left Jacxine pushing the Battat baby because I thought they looked so adorable and ‘real’.
I forgot to add this cute toddler sized doll my daughter gave me from her own dolls when she was clearing out into the scene… I’ll have to tell you more about her another time because she’s pretty cute! 
This little cheerleader also didn’t make the cut into the Baby Sitter Club scenes before because, well, I kind of forgot I had her and the other one above… I would never say I have too many dolls but maybe I am getting close to having ‘enough’? Teehee. Probably not. Hahaha.
Isn’t she cute? Better run! Monday has arrived and I have cats to herd… Oh, I mean kids to get to school. Have a great one!
Till Next Time!

10 thoughts on “More Baby Sitting Club Photos with New Baby Bed!

  1. I am a 58 year old grandmother and great grandmother(meme),and I still love dolls. People don't get it…. Once a doll fan, always a doll fan. I love your doll senses… So cute! Play on 😊


  2. I am a 58 year old grandmother and great grandmother(meme),and I still love dolls. People don't get it…. Once a doll fan, always a doll fan. I love your doll senses… So cute! Play on 😊


  3. I am a 58 year old grandmother and great grandmother(meme),and I still love dolls. People don't get it…. Once a doll fan, always a doll fan. I love your doll senses… So cute! Play on 😊


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