My Famosa Nancy Collection So Far…

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
I’ve been working on making posts about various collections of dolls  I have in the Doll House. One of my favorite but also one I realized recently I don’t pull out very often, are Famosa Nancy dolls. 
I’ve done several posts about them in the past… Here’s a list in no particular order if you’re curious starting with one about how I found my very First Famosa Nancy Doll from eBay!
Then there are:
For whatever reason though, for the last little while, they haven’t made it off the shelf. So I decided to pull them out and show my current collection. I posted in the blogs listed above where I got each of them all except one and I am reasonably certain the last one I got was also from a thrift store. 
I think they have the cutest faces!! They can wear Journey Girls shoes almost like they’re made for them… They are a tiny bit big but not so big that they fall off. They stand very well both in shoes and out of shoes. That’s one thing I love about them, how sturdy they are on their feet. A lot of people might not like their hard plastic legs but for what it’s worth, I think that is the reason they stand so well. 
Here they are with one of my new Adora Dolls to show you how they are, size wise, compared to 18inch dolls. They make great sisters or friends I think. 
They have the prettiest eyes! Have you ever seen a Famosa Nancy in your travels or on eBay? Maybe you have one of your own in your collection? If so, I’d love to see her!! 
Better run, my family is needing dinner cooked. 
Till Next Time!

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