Oriana In Street Clothes And Her Great Idea!

Greetings & Salutations Doll Friends,
Recently Oriana arrived to live at the Doll House and the first outfit I put her in was a white dress that was similar to the one she came in because I thought she looked so pretty in white. Then, since we were having a luau when she arrived naturally she joined right in and wanted to wear a swim suit since she could go out and run in the sand. 
So it wasn’t until her third outfit that she had the chance to pick out some street clothes that would be more appropriate for a February in the great plains. The outfit she chose really looks clever on her! 
She chose a green flowered dress with white tights, a denim jacket and smart flowered cowboy boots because she had always wanted to wear cowboy boots! After seeing the Doll Closet at the Doll House, Oriana knew she’d come to live at the right place because she loves clothes! She came up with a great idea of the dolls all throwing a fasion show!! What a great idea! So, the dolls set about deciding which fashions from their wardrobe they should model? When they realized they already had a famous designer to feature!! Frann has been sending amazing Fashions By Goofy for the last year! What better designer to feature in a Fashion Show than the one of a kind fashions of the dolls favorite all time favorite designers! So, as you can imagine, the Doll House is now a frenzy of activity, deciding who will model what and how to set up a stage and if there will be fancy finger foods and drinks and and and… 
Stay tuned for details as they are planned. 
Till next time!


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