Fashion Show in The Doll House!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!! 
It’s finally here!! The great idea Oriana had of having a Fashion Show in the Doll House was realized yesterday! Who would’ve thought so much work went into staging one…! But it all paid off because everyone had so much fun!!
The featured designer is the amazing Goofy! Her clothes are the favorite clothes of all of the dolls in the Doll House because they are so well made and stylish. Frann has sent so many amazing ones!! Thanks so much Frann for all the beautiful clothes!! You’ll have to show Goofy the Fashion Show! 
*Update!! Goofy has a blog! It’s written in Korean but the photos are so much fun to see! Here is the link! Enjoy!!
The first ensemble grouping was the amazing Adidas Jumpers! 

The next Ensemble Grouping was the adorable sweatshirts and cute polka dot skirts!

Then came the cute reversable vests! The girls who’d been in the Hula Class had already been in basically the same outfits and so they decided it made sense for them to model the vests too… Perfect outfit for the midwest this February actually… It’s cold in the morning but has been getting up into the 70s all week!
Next came the cute fall outfits…..

Then the Spring Dressses… 

Then the traditional Korean Dresses….

Then the Prairie Dresses…

Then the amazing coats!

And last but not least the beautiful wedding dress and fancy party dresses!!

That’s it for now Doll Friends!! I know this was mostly photos and I didn’t write much but I’ve been having technical issues for 24hours and it took most of the time I have to write the blog to even get it to upload!! So… I plan to come back and do a better job of telling the story but wanted ya’ll to be able to see the photos too. I’ll try and give all the doll credits (type of doll) but if, for whatever reason, I don’t get back here to update (I have been known to forget such things and get on to the next doll project…. Teehee) be sure and ask me any questions you might have about doll types or anything else you see that you have a question about! I have to run and get ready for church or I’ll be late!!

Till next time!!

6 thoughts on “Fashion Show in The Doll House!!

  1. Wow! I forgot what I have to say. Your dolls look fashionable and you did good job arranging beautiful outfits. Haha, Goofy has made lots of outfits and I sent you lots of them. Thank you for the perfect fashion show!


  2. Thank you thank you thank you! 🙂 You have sent me so many beautiful doll clothes. I knew you had but pulling them all out and making a fashion show of them blew my mind because there were so many! And all totally adorable and cute and well made. You've been so wonderful to share them with me and they are most def my favorite doll clothes in the Doll House. I actually realized after I was all done with the show that I'd missed a few things even! LOL I have the cute little Jeans shorts and another hoody with a heart on it that I forgot to pull out (it was in the wardrobe you sent me, hung up…!) Anyway, thanks! I am glad you liked it!! Chat soon!


  3. Golly! Thanks Loretta! I have fun doing it… I always loved taking photos of my children when they were itty bitty and I guess I find dolls easy by comparison because once you pose them (mostly) they stay put! LOL 🙂 I kid. I know it's lots of work but to me it is fun… Also, my old hobby (rubber stamping and scrapbooking) was also very detailed. So I guess that's kind of my 'thing'? Aren't hobbies fun! 🙂


  4. Hi! Loretta, Yes, Changing doll outfits and taking pohotos consume lots of time and patience. I started my doll play by makiing doll outfits, but I gave up it as I have to stay up too late. I don't have my sewing room like you and I have to take a swing machine and all stuffs out whenever I do and then put them back again, which makes me tired. haha. I love you and Heather for showhing fantastic findings, beautiful doll outfits and good information.


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