More Body Snatching Going On In Doll House!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!!
As you may be becoming aware, I tend to love to ‘customize’ dolls… When I see a second hand doll at a thrift store and happen to like the face sculpt, I often wonder if it will lend itself to ‘becoming’ an 18inch type doll. Ever since my very first custom Tolly Tot boy I’ve done more and more body transplants as I find dolls with lovely face sculpts but less than ideal bodies when it comes to posing and modeling clothes…
Recently, you may remember, I very recently customized this little fella… I just think he has the cutest face. However, as you may also recall, I wasn’t entirely satisfied with his pale pale face not matching the skin tone of the body I transplanted on him… 
Then, recently, I discovered another Heidi Ott Faithful Friend at Goodwill for $2.99. I do believe she is a Maggie Doll and I was so glad to find her! As I was researching to make sure I was right about her name I ran across this blog about them that has several photos of the different dolls they originally produced. As I’ve said before, I adore the face scuplts on Faithful Friend dolls. I also think their hands and feet are beautifully sculpted too… Unfortunatly they have the dread ‘soft body’ that is my least favorite sort. They can’t stand without a doll stand and can’t sit properly in a chair without looking all ‘slumpy’. So… despite it being a shame to lose those gorgeous hands and feet, I think the best solution is to give them a body transplant. Since Our Generation Doll bodies are generally the ones I find the most often second hand, they are generally also my ‘go-to’ for bodies for them. 
As you may have guessed, I have quite a lot of dolls. So, recently, I decided I needed to thin some out… As I was considering which dolls to re-home, I decided that, while I think she’s pretty enough, I didn’t really have much sentimental attachment to my darker haired Pen Pal doll. I mean, I loved the wig I’d put on her and she was cute enough but I didn’t really ‘love’ her… So I’d put her in the ‘box’ of dolls that are going to find new homes. She wasn’t there long… All of the sudden one of the things that ‘bugged’ me about her, her very very pale complexion, made a light bulb go off in my head! The pale boy doll sculpt would make much more sense on that body! Then… It all came together in my head. The boy would steal the Pen Pal Doll Body, then the OG body he had been on could become the body for my new Heidi Ott doll… As a bonus, the Heidi Ott doll needed a rewig… Her hair was a mess. Ironically enough, I’d wanted to re-wig her with a dark wig because she is slated to be a doppelganger doll of my Aunt Dora. The adorable bobbed wig the Pen Pal doll was wearing wasn’t glued down yet because I’d never felt ‘settled’ on her keeping it. You might be surprised how often this happens in doll house… Until I am absolutely sure a doll is ‘perfect’ with a new wig, it generally doesn’t get glued down. You know, just in case… *giggles* So, my Dora doll had the perfect wig already!
Aren’t they adorable?! I’d like to report that the Heidi Ott doll body was put together with the Pen Pal doll head… But it looked ridiculous!! So I am ready to just toss the Heidi Ott doll body in the rubbish… Is that terrible? It makes me feel bad for some reason. Is that crazy? Haha. I think I am going to keep the Pen Pal doll head. Saying I eventually find another, more pale, body transplant for it, I think it might make a really cute boy doll someday. I have a bag where I’ve kept a few other doll heads for same reason… That sounds kind of creepy doesn’t it? Ah well, perhaps it would be less creepy if we think of them as those sorts of real people who have decided to freeze their heads when they die in hopes of getting a whole new body someday when the technologly rolls around? In cyro-stasis as it were. Right? 
So what do you think of the ‘new’ Dora and updated boy… (He still hasn’t told me his name, shy little fella!) I think they look fabulous. 
Better run! I have three more drafts I want to get done before I get ready for church!
Have a great day!

One thought on “More Body Snatching Going On In Doll House!

  1. I love the Heidi Ott Faithful Friends dolls, too. I think they have some of the prettiest face sculpts ever made on a play doll. And like you, I have given them body transplants and new wigs. I adore them! I do hang on to their original bodies, though, \”just in case\”, because it goes against my entire being as a die-hard doll collector to get rid of them!


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