Equestrian Happenings At The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
When my son Vito was little bitty, he loved ponies and horses. I mean it, he was obsessed with them… I had a good friend when he was little that owned several ponies and a couple of horses and I got him over to ride a few times. As much as I’d have liked to pursue his passion for them further by getting him a pony or horse of his own, ponies and horses are very expensive and a lot of work. So… That never made it past the ‘dream’ phase. 
However, since I’ve become so interested and started collecting American Girl sized dolls, I have found more than a few for my dolls. At first I was reticent to buy them because space is an issue and goodness knows my dolls take up their own fair share of space!! However, when I found Equus for only $2, I just couldn’t help it… I had to bring her home. Same story with the Our Generation Ponies I got for a few dollars each. Just too cute to leave there. 
However, I never really pulled them out to use with the dolls for photos. I always imagined carrying the horse, ponies and some dolls outside somewhere and taking really neat photos… But that is a bit more tricky than you might imagine. Weather, timing, bugs, kids coming up and wanting to play…. All manner of things can be stacked against such photos happening. So mostly they sat and collected dust. Even when I found a sleigh and took photos of Equus pulling it, the back drop was a ‘wall’. So I wasn’t ever enthusiastic about taking photos with them. 
Untill….. photo backdrops. Finding them on eBay was such a gift! When I saw this one I knew it would be perfect for photos with both the horses and the other pets. I also got a Doll Tent from my husband last year that I’ve never really used for photos for the same reasons. I think this backdrop will work well for it as well. 
So, obviously, I pulled out the ponies and horse and my Vito and Lilly (my daughter’s doppelganger) dolls out and take some photos. Vito finally got his ponies and horse!! 
As you may notice, there is also an American Girl Doll Paint Filly in the photos as well. I can’t for the life of me find a post about having found it at Goodwill in my blog posts. Maybe I forgot to post about it at the time? As I recall, I found it for $3.99 and, despite already having all the others at home already, I bought it immediately when I found it. Nothing exceeds like excess, right? Teehee.
It was fun trying to make Vito look like he was actually riding the horse down the trail…
As you can see, the horse and dolls actually stand on a part of the photo backdrop. At first I thought I would hate that but I think it actually makes it look even more real. What do you think?
Off he goes! 
Speaking of which… I better run too. I have one more blog post I want to get written… So stay tuned!
Till Next Time!


PS I nearly forgot to mention this fella…. I found him a few weeks ago, right before my Lent Fast of thrift stores…. I think he’s cute and is mid sized between the horse and the ponies… He has a scratch in his ‘flocking’ but is other wise in great shape. Not bad for $1.50! See why I can’t pass them up?!?

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