Birthday Party For Frann and Diane!!

Hi Doll Friends!!
I am having technical issues with Blogger today so I had to post this as a ‘photos only’ to get it to publish! So… I’ll be back tomorrow morning to write all about the party that we had in the Doll House this weekend for Frann Doll and Diane Doll! 
Till then!


**Update March 29, 2017**

Hi again Doll Friends,

I am finally getting back here to tell the rest of the story of the party! 

Here are Josh Doll and Heather Doll setting up the table… Josh had to go get the butterfly tea set in order for there to be enough dishes and cups for all the guests. Aren’t big parties the most fun?
Here are Myfanwy Doll and Diane Doll opening the cake that Myfanwy and Susannah baked. Frann and Susannah are getting some cold drinks from the fridge. 
LaQuela got back with the guests she had picked up in Myfanwy’s van. So Leanne, Janeane and Sharon were all in the living room chatting…
So everyone had arrived and it was time to start the party!
Sharon brought some balloons for the birthday girls! Aren’t they pretty?
When Heather went to look for birthday candles, she couldn’t find any! So, everyone agreed it would be ok to improvise and use taper candles. You have to blow out candles at a Birthday Party afterall!
So everyone gathered around the birthday girls to sing Happy Birthday!
It took a minute to find a match to light the candles..
But finally Josh found some in his pocket…

And lit the candles. Aren’t they pretty?

They blew out the candles!

Josh and Diane Doll chatting at the party.
((Diane Doll is a doppelganger of my husbands Mom and Josh is a custom doll of my husband))

They both have such gorgeous green eyes don’t they?
Heather Doll is pouring coffee and chatting with Frann and Sharon.
Susannah putting away the candles.

Good chats going on in the living room.

Susannah had baked a lot of amazing cupcakes as well and everyone decided it would be best to eat them first… 

Susannah and LaQuela were putting away the second cake for later… LaQuela was also talking to Susannah about baking her wedding cake someday! She was so impressed with the cakes from the party!

Leanne, Janeane and Myfanwy were all discussing the recent release of Beauty and the Beast because they’d all seen it the opening weekend. They agreed they liked it very well but that nothing would ever replace the original animated version from when they were younger. 
Pizza! Isn’t pizza the best and easiest party food? Everyone likes it and it’s easy to serve. 
Everyone was having such a good time!

“Say cheese!!”

Diane listening to a song that Janeane told her about. She couldn’t hear it very well over the fun of the party and so used the headphones.

I suspect that Susannah might just make that cake LaQuela is talking about. She’s such a nice and generous person that she can never say no to her friends! I bet it will be the prettiest cake she’s ever made!

All in all I think the party was a sweeping success! Frann and Diane were so glad to have gotten to share their birthdays and everyone was already talking about how to make the party even better next year!

Better run!
Till next time!

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