Dolly Needs A New Pair Of Shoes!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As I mentioned in the post about the movie night at the Doll House, I got some shoes the other day in the shopping trip with Frann Doll. I have to give it to the My Life As Dolls company. They really have stepped up their game in the last year or so. Given that they generally come in at sometimes as much as 50-75% less than the American Girl Doll versions of the same manner of toys, I think they really hold their own!
Case in point? The My Life As Doll shoes are $2.97 a pair. Compare that with American Girl Doll shoes, which are $14-$16 a pair and… Well… I know when I was a girl I’d have much rather had five pairs of doll shoes for my dolly that were made pretty well over any one pair of doll shoes even if they are made extremely well. You know what I mean? It’s not like your dolls feet are going to get uncomfortable or need good arch support or something. Right? Mind you, this is not me ripping on American Girl Doll or their beautiful accessories! They are top notch in every way! However, some people are living on a budget and, lets be honest here, I barely pay $16 for my own shoes sometimes. (Kidding! But… it costs about half what I pay for real shoes!!) 
So… I noticed the other day at Walmart that My Life As Doll had released some cute new styles in thier shoes!! I may have gone a tiny bit crazy and bought four pairs. Still, all four pairs were only $11.88 so that is likely one reason I love My Life As Doll stuff! You can splurge and still not break the bank entirely! I just checked their website and they have all the cute new styles of shoes shown there! There are a few pairs I haven’t seen in store yet that I am gonna have to keep my eyes open for because: Oh. My. Cute!

In the meantime, I am loving the ones I did get. I got the white patterned flats.

I got these cute ‘gray cozy boots’ but they aren’t on the website. I’d never seen them before and so assumed they were ‘new release’ but who knows…? Eitherwise they are adorbs!
I also got these cute ‘brown fashion boots’ that remind me so much of a pair of boots that my husband gave me for Christmas the first year we were married. So they were a must for Heather Doll!

I also got these sweet short pink boots. I already have an aqua blue pair just like them that you can see being worn by Jasmine in this post. So it be fun to use the two pairs for twinsies photo shoots! So… Stop by your local Walmart and see what shoes they have in the bins! Maybe you’ll find the perfect pair of shoes for your dolly! 
Better run!
Till Next Time!

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