Hats At The Dollar Tree For Wellie Wishers!

Hi Doll Friends!!
Just a quick post here about some cute hats I found yesterday at the Dollar Tree!! They had several colors (I forgot to snap a photo of them at store… Rats!!) and they came in packs of three. They are the same ‘weight’ as the plastic party hats they make for ‘real people’ and oh so cute!!
I knew they wouldn’t fit the 18inch dolls but thought they would work for the American Girl Wellie Wishers and for the Heart For Hearts Dolls… I was so glad to be right when I got them home. At that point my only regret was only buying two sets. I tend to be cautious about things and didn’t want to ‘waste the money’ if I was wrong about them fitting a doll… Haha. So I’ll have to go back and get the other colors which, if memory serves, were green and blue but I can’t recall for absolutely certain. (Can’t believe I didn’t think to take a photo at store?! But I was in a hurry…) 
Here is what they look like in the package. I found them by the party section with the party favors on an end cap. 
They fit perfectly!! A friend in one of my doll groups said “Those would be perfect to decorate as Easter hats!” and I totally agree with her! So I am going to have to go get a few more just so I can add flowers and frills to them! 

Sorry for the ‘impromptu photos’ of them but I wanted to show them to you as soon as possible just in case you wanted to look for them this weekend ahead of Easter yourself! I’ll get more proper photos taken of them soon! 
Better run! 
Have a great weekend!!


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