Bubblegum Eggs As Doll Eggs Dye Project Update!

Greetings Doll Friends!!
If you didn’t see my post about bubblegum eggs as easter eggs for the dolls you’ll have to go check it out because this is just kind of an update!
In that post I wanted to make some of the eggs as in process of ‘being dyed’ in cups for my photos. So I just put two eggs into a communion cup and dumped in clear craft glue much like I did with my dolly drinks. Sadly it just looked like Easter eggs in water but I took photos anyway because that was when I had time. Then I set the cups aside and kind of forgot them… I had planned to toss them when they dried but didn’t want to make a mess in trash. (I’m typeA what can I say? They could’ve leaked!) So when I went to toss them this morning I was delighted to find that the dye had come off the gum and mixed with glue! Leaving plain white eggs in dye! Perfect!!

I added a tiny bit more glue to top to seal it in better but I think they are cool. Only question…? Will gum “rot”? I have no clue? I suppose I’ll find out. I think once it’s sealed in glue it should be ok? Eitherwise, for photos, of egg dying, they are perfect! So… If you have the bubble gum eggs for your dolls and want to make these all you do is take an empty communion cup  and put in two same colored eggs, squeeze in enough clear craft glue to cover them and then let them dry. As they are drying, the magic happens and the dye comes off the gum into the glue. Now I want to re-do my Easter Egg Dying Party photos. Maybe… So many ideas and never enough time to do them all! 

Don’t they look real? I think they do! 
Better run! 
Till Next Time!

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