Twin Our Generation Doll For Frann

Hi Doll Friends!
As I mentioned in my previous post I bought a doll to have a twin of a doll in the Doll House to send to my sister friend Frann. We now have several twin dolls where I have one in the Doll House and she has one just like it at her house. It makes me smile when I look at our twins like Diya  and Calla and know that Frann has the exact same doll in her collection halfway across the world. How cool is that? When I posted the post about my getting this one for Frann, I didn’t have time to get too many photos uploaded with that post and so I back to show you a few more of them now. 
Aren’t they cute together?! I am sending Frann’s doll to her in this outfit since it’s the same as the doll outfit that my Reese came home in. I think it’s such a cute little dress!
Here is what my Mo’ was dressed in when Mo’-Two came home… She ran to change. 
As I mentioned in my post about when I found her, my doll had a bit of a rip in her torso when I found her… See her scar? I’d almost forgotten she even had it until I was changing her clothes. 
Here they are, checking each other out. How neat it would be to have a twin, don’t you think?

Then the twins wanted met the other two new dolls in the doll house…

Look at all those beautiful brown eyes!

It’s so much fun getting new dolls! Although I am getting to where I might have to think about clearing a few out or they might just push me right out the front door for lack of room! Hahaha. Kidding. Do you ever thin out your doll collection? I find it so hard to do!! I just love them all! 
They are all great friends already!! They can’t wait to meet the other dolls in the doll house!
Better run!
Have a great day!

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