Sharon and Eunju Lunch and Church Visit!

Hi Doll Friends!!
So the other day on one of my ‘town days’ I had plans to meet up with my friend Sharon for coffee and a chat after work. Since I was meeting her I decided to bring Sharon Doll  and Eunju Doll with me to Panera Bread where we were meeting up.
So here are Sharon Doll and Eunju Doll having one of Panera’s infamous pastries! Sharon got coffee to go with hers but Eunju thought a smoothie sounded more refreshing. They got a seat at a table right next to a huge fire place! How fun!
They had such a nice chat!

All too soon it was time to go… It was such a nice day out that on the way home, the dolls decided to stop by this beautiful church that we pass every time we go into town. It’s on a road called ‘Church Road’ and isn’t that just cool!?

Here they are by the front door. The church is called Immanuel Lutheran and it’s just such a pretty place! You should see it at night! When you drive by it’s all lit up and beautiful, standing out against the farmland all around it. 

Here they are by the sign. It gives the service times and has a nice scripture on it.

Isn’t the building amazing!


Across the street is the bone yard cemetary. Even the gate is beautiful! The girls didn’t go inside because we didn’t have that much time.

They are so glad we finally stopped for some photos because it’s even prettier up close than it is from the road we drive by on!

Here they are right next to the church but facing other direction… See what I mean? Nothing but farmland as far as the eye can see! God’s country! So beautiful!

Better run!
Till Next Time!

2 thoughts on “Sharon and Eunju Lunch and Church Visit!

  1. Oh, you do live in a beautiful country, Heather! I live in a big city surrounded by high rises. But I can get down to the inlet and see beaches in 1/2 hour by Skytrain so that's not bad. The old church is lovely.


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