Calla Takes A Rainy Day Walk At The Doll House

Hi Doll Friends!
Ever since I bought my first My Life As Rain Gear Set I decided to buy one for my friend Frann because she liked it so much… I got her one almost immediately and tucked it away in a closet and kind of forgot I even had it. Then when I saw My Life As Spring Fashions more recently and saw a new umbrella set, I recalled I had the one for Frann in the closet. However, I decided I would send her the newer variety because the newer one had a headband in the set! So… The other one was still unopened in the closet. I decided to pull it out to show you the other day when it was cloudy and rainy outside. I took my other umbrella and a few others I’d found at thrift stores or wherever and decided I would take all the twin dolls I have with my friend Frann for a ‘rainy day walk’…
I took all of one photo and then… The Mowing Service we have to do our yard showed up and started to work. I know I’ve said I shame free when it comes to taking doll photos but the prospect of playing dolls while he was trying to do his thing proved too embarrasing even for me. Hahaha. So I ended up with only one photo of the pretty Calla. It is a good photo though so, better than nothing. 
Here is the set I’d originally planned to send to Frann. Note there is no headband to be seen?!
Ironically enough, halfway around the world, Frann also decided to take her Calla for a walk wearing the very same boots I’d sent to Frann from the Rainy Day set and even wearing the headband!! How cool is that? Isn’t she pretty in the sunlight?? Isn’t it neat when you’re in cahoots with your good friends and don’t even know it until later. Awesomeness!!

See the four girls here in the first doll bin? They were the ones I’d planned to go on the walk… So I’ll have to take them out on the next rainy day! 
Better run!


2 thoughts on “Calla Takes A Rainy Day Walk At The Doll House

  1. Do you know that my favorite doll is Cala? She is one of twin girls that you did makeover for and the same one we have. Thank you for sharing cute doll items.


  2. Adorable! I once had a rain set, but sold it for $40. It included a vintage coat, boots and umbrella and fit the 21\” dolls. I needed the money for more dolls. LOL


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