Frann and Heather Visit the Love Can Store!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Yesterday was the Grand Opening of the Love Can Store at West Roads Mall in Omaha. So naturally Frann Doll and Heather Doll had to go see what it was like. Flatland Church is Heather’s home church and they are one of the 30 Churches in Omaha to be part of the Love Can project. 
So here are Frann Doll and Heather Doll in front of the store. Aren’t the pretty colored panes in the front of the store pretty? The volunteers were very nice and friendly and welcomed them right in.
You see the black line on the floor? It’s part of a city wide map of Omaha and you can place a sticker on ‘your’ address. What a neat idea! 
There was delicious free coffee!
They also gave out these neat cards which you’re supposed to write something nice on them and pass them out to people… It’s amazing what small gestures like that can make on people. You never know when that seemingly small kind word you give to a person might be the only nice thing they’ve heard in a while.
Here they are about to go into the big room with huge screens playing amazing testimonies of what Jesus has done in peoples lives. So inspiring! 

Here they are in front of the huge photos on the wall in that room…
In front of the huge screens playing the testimonies of the power and love of Jesus. 
There was a wall you can write a prayer and color in the pretty picture too!
Heather Doll and Frann Doll considering what prayer to write…?
They finally decided to just write their name because they were a bit shy to write their prayers in public… That’s ok too!
Another coloring wall. It’s pretty now but it’ll be gorgeous when it is all colored in in a few weeks by so many different visitors!
One of the neat things they were giving out are these cute blue marbles that say ‘Love Can’. How totally cool! A little memento you can carry in your handbag or pocket to remind you to send a little love out into the world… Or in this case, between the 30K people committing to Love Can, a million acts of love! 
Love Can!! Jesus Saves!

So if you’re in the Omaha area be sure to stop by! You’ll be glad you did. 
Till Next Time!

2 thoughts on “Frann and Heather Visit the Love Can Store!

  1. Thanks Loretta! It really is a neat 'store'. I see Facebook posts from a lot of my Omaha friends with their families visiting there and taking photos in front of the same things that I took photos of Frann and Heather in front of and it makes me smile every single time. 🙂


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