Eunju Takes a Morning Walk

Hi Doll Frieinds!
Yesterday was such a beautiful morning that Eunju decided she should take a walk around town! She even climbed a tree!! I will have to let the photos tell the story on this blog because I am really short on time today!


Till Next Time!


3 thoughts on “Eunju Takes a Morning Walk

  1. Thanks! I love that one too! It's actually a 'hand grip' of a pair where you're meant to hang by your arms (am not describing that well, I am sure there is a name for such a thing but I can't think what it is?) but I thought it looked almost like a 'tire swing' for Eunju and so it had to happen. 🙂 I've begun to see the world thru a lense of 'what would be a good photo op for the dolls?\” Hahaha. Doll Photography has become one of my favorite aspects of my doll hobby. So much fun! 🙂


  2. The photos are lovely. I'm glad you're having sunny days. We get one every 10 days or so. We have had such enormous amounts of rain here since the beginning of Oct of last year! I've never seen anything like it. When it wasn't rain it was snow! I hope to get out soon to take dolly photos but it's really wet and muddy.


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