Cookies From Clay For Doll House Plus Coffee Drinks DIY!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
I don’t know about you but sometimes I start a project and set it aside and it gets forgotten about for a while… Well, I do. Clear back in November I created some cookies out of clay from a Playdoh mold I found at a thrift store. They needed to dry for 24 hours so I set them aside… For five months. Hahaha. 
So I finished them up this weekend because I pulled the paint out for another project. I watched a video from the amazing American Girl Ideas about how to make lattes. Inspired, I decided to use half the idea (I am much much too lazy to make cups out of paper! LOL!) and fill a few of my Dollar Tree Tea Set cups with ‘coffee’ and paint them. Since I had the paints out, I remembered I had a bunch of cookies to paint too!  

Here are my cups filled with hot glue so I can paint it as coffee. I decided to just paint the hot glue with craft paint instead of using the puff paint as coffee…. Then I used white puff paint as ‘whip cream’ on my coffee’s. I also decided to put ‘coffee’ in a few of the ‘ceramic’ cups I have too. One thing I hate about taking doll photos of them ‘drinking coffee’ is that the cups are always empty. Lame! So it’ll be so nice to have some ‘coffee’ in the cups finally!

Being as I got back in the mood for doll food crafting (Watching American Girl Ideas videos will do that do you!) I decided to whip out a few more from the clay too! Gotta have something else to set aside for five months, right? Haha. Kidding! I also decided to make a couple glasses of ‘milk’ with just white craft glue and a straw put in a couple of communion cups. I don’t know why I didn’t do it before because they came out so cute! I am going to make more!
When I decided to put some ‘milk’ into one of the little creamer pitchers… And my puff paint bottle top popped off and made a huge mess. Like she says in the video though, if you mess up you can just wipe up the mess and start over. So I took a baby wipe, wiped away the paint and started over. 
Here are some of the drinks and such I created with the hot glue… You might notice the larger cups filled with ‘something’? Well those are a botched idea. I hoped that the hot glue would dry clearer and I put little alphabet noodles in there hoping it would look like noodle soup. No such luck. Sometimes a craft just doesn’t come out, eh? So I am not sure what I am going to do with them? I think I’ll try to pry out the glue and start over but I am pretty sure it’s stuck in there pretty good. So perhaps I’ll paint over the top and make them really large coffees?
And here are some of the painted cookies! The chocolate chip cookies, the pink cookies with the cherry on top and the ‘nutty bars’ in the smaller jar in front are all ones I made from clay. I love how they came out honestly. So fun!
Then these are my ‘Oreo’ cookies. the white cream filling is white fun foam that I glued in the middle of the two clay Oreo rounds. I think they look awesome! I left two of the Oreos apart so they could have a couple of them open for photo shoots!
These little pink cookies with white flowers are ones I made out of clay… I think they came out so cute!!
So here are Heather Doll and Frann Doll enjoying some cookies and milk! Aren’t they adorable!? So I am pretty sure I am going to be making a lot more doll drinks and cookies in the future cos it’s so much fun!!
Better run!
Till Next Time!

2 thoughts on “Cookies From Clay For Doll House Plus Coffee Drinks DIY!

  1. I just LOVE the Oreo cookies, which used to be a favourite when I was a child. Now I just hate them because they are so sweet. How did you make the design on the cookies?


  2. You might try microwaving the cups with the messed up \”soup\” and see if that will loosen the glue. Just a few seconds at a time. Unless there's any metal involved, in which case maybe try a hair dryer.I've been enjoying your blog a lot, love seeing the things you buy or don't at the thrift stores. 🙂


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