Garage Sale Doll Dish Score For The Doll House!

Hi Doll Friends!!
I am forever shorter on time than I am on plans lately! I planned to write a huge long story here about this cute dish set I found at same sale where I got the rocking chair the other day. Sadly, I am as much beholden to my son’s track schedule as he is and my writing time has been cut short by a half hour this morning. So… I promise to be back soon with my more wordy blog posts but in the meantime, in interest of not leaving you hanging with no doll adventures, I will post mostly photos on this one. 


I got this entire dish set for $1.50! It was pretty dirty… Pretty sure the person who owned it had a tea party and then just put it away without washing it up. No matter, I just added dish soap to the red ‘dish pan’ they arrived in and let them soak for a few hours and….
They cleaned up good as new!! I already have another tea set exactly like this that I’d gleaned out thrifting before and so this is like getting an expansion to my ‘china pattern’. Hahaha. Or rather, in this case, more stonewear I guess. 

So the sets all combined make for a pretty impressive amount of dishes for a bustling doll household!! Wonderful! They look so nice on the new hutch don’t they?!

Since they had all the new dishes, the dolls decided to have a big brunch!!

Have to run!
Till next time!

3 thoughts on “Garage Sale Doll Dish Score For The Doll House!

  1. I love doll dishes! I have a bunch, but no place cute to display them like your hutch. Maybe someday! But my doll/sewing room is currently so full, I have to be extra careful about bringing in any more large items. Oh, to have unlimited space for our dollies…how heavenly that would be!


  2. Hi Angela!! Oh do I ever feel your pain! I also have limited space in my doll room. Luckily we have a rather large (unfinished but dry and sound) basement where, if I get too carried away, I can store 'extras' of things. I am beginning to think I am going to have to designate an actual space down there so I don't feel so cramped in my actual doll room. LOL What's really sad is I, before getting really 'in' to dolls, was a decades long paper crafter and so I have two huge cabinets of paper crafting stuff in the basement already. It's certainly a conundrum. Haha. 🙂


  3. Love it! I'm also a paper crafter/genealogy collector. My poor hubby. I don't know how he has patience with me. But he doesn't mind. That's why 2017 is the year of truly organizing it all once and for all, and I'm actually enjoying it. We don't have a basement or an attic.


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