Scenes From The Sweet Shoppe!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
The dolls have all been enjoying having the Sweet Shoppe back open for business! There have been new cookiescakescupcakesand candy bars added to the inventory since the last time the Sweet Shoppe was operational. So many delicious treats!!
Lisa loves her little shop and keeps it as neat as a pin. 
Here are some boys in for a sweet treat and a couple of latte’s.
Cheers! Who are these boys you ask? Stay tuned to next blog post for their story!
Then Monessa and Shantea came in and got some cute suckers.
Shantea said “I’ll treat!”
They ran into the boys and stopped to chat for a moment…

Later Crystal  and Brandi stopped in for a chat and treat as well.

The Sweet Shoppe has such a nice atmosphere they stayed and chatted for over an hour!
Next, Mo and Debbie stopped in…
They were so excited to bump into Brandi and Crystal! They’d been friends for years.
So they sat down to catch up on the latest news! 
Such a great time at the Sweet Shoppe! If you were to visit, which treat would you choose? Tell me in the comments!
Have a great weekend!


One thought on “Scenes From The Sweet Shoppe!

  1. One of my doll projects, which I haven't had time for as I'm still organizing my sewing/doll room, is to make a place to eat. I have the OG diner, and I have a coffee shop from the Newberry doll collection which I've turned into a Tim Horton's shop, as that's my favourite Canadian coffee shop here. I have have one only 3 blocks from my house! I love all your photos.


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