New Bathroom Sink in the Doll House!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
If you’ve read my blog for a while, you may recall the bathroom at the Doll House from prior postings. In some of my most recent posts, I showed a photo of the bathroom again only this time

There has been a ‘proper’ bathroom sink! Isn’t it cute?

It’s actually a paperclip holder that you can buy on Amazon. Nearly all the Doll Houses in tours on YouTube have them and I’ve been meaning to buy one for the Doll House for years now… In fact, I actually purchased one over a year ago and it got lost in the mail and Amazon refunded my money but I just never ended up buying it again. Untill recently… I don’t know why I waited so long because it is just so perfect!! 
I used a doll sized dresser I already had on hand and just painted it white to match. You can see photos of what it looked like originally in this post. It was a thrifty find I got once for about $5 if I recall correctly. So, for about $11 I have a perfect doll sink! I hot glued the sink to the dresser. I am not totally in love with the mirror I am using but I think it’s still pretty perfect! Now I just want to figure out a ‘shower curtain’ to hang up in behind my claw footed tub kind of like this because I think that’d be so much cuter than a separate shower stall and also, obviously, take up less space in the bathroom. I’ll figure it out eventually but in the meantime, I am pretty happy with how the bathroom is taking shape. 
Better run!
Hope you’re having a fantastic day!

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