Introducing Oliver and Jasmine! New Custom My Life As Dolls in the DollHouse!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
When I first started getting interested in 18inch dolls, I always admired peoples ‘fantasy’ type custom dolls with fun colored wigs and such. However, to make one, it’s pretty expensive. American Girl Dolls cost $115 each and, as far as I ever found, the nice ‘fun colored’ wigs I found were like $50 each. So as much as I thought it would be fun to own a ‘fantasy’ type doll, I am much too cheap to spend that much money on a doll really… You know what I mean? Still, I would look at the fancy wigs on eBay and Etsy just because I thought they were so pretty. Then, a week or so ago…

I found an Etsy Shop called LollyLueStephens that had really pretty fantasy wigs for less than I’d seen before! The boy wigs were $9.99 and the fun colored ones were from $19.99 to $21.99!! What?! They were gorgeous too!! As fate would have it, I’d just gotten a bit of a windfall of fun money into my hands at exactly the same moment I found them. So… As you may imagine, I ordered a few! Haha. They arrived yesterday in the mail and I was so excited to open them up!!

As you may have read in this post I actually specifically purchased a My Life As Diving Instructor doll at Walmart to customize. I wanted a doll that looked just like another My Life As Doll I’d recently gotten to celebrate when the blog hit 60K views so I could make them ‘fantasy’ doll boy girl twins with two of the wigs I bought. So as soon as I got the wigs, I started cutting off their hair and putting on the wigs… I just knew they were going to look amazing!!
And I was so right!!! Aren’t they fabulous!?!?! I wasn’t sure what to name them and so I decided I would ask my daughter to name them because she loves fantasy type dolls. So, she considered for a few moments and then came up with Jasmine and Oliver. Isn’t that perfect? So, meet Jasmine and Oliver!! I am so excited to have them in the doll house! 
The wigs really are great quality and very thick and nice. I think that My Life As Doll heads might be a tiny bit bigger than American Girl Dolls because I first tried Jasmine’s wig on an American Girl Doll to see how it fit one so I could tell you and it fit very well… 

The wig cap appears, when you open the package, to be way too small for the doll. (I honestly panicked for a moment!) but it stretches a lot and it actually fits the AG doll so well you might be able to get away with not even glueing it down and it’d still be ok to play with anyway because the tightness of the cap would hold it on rather effectively. You know, perhaps you want a doll that can change her look back and forth. However I wanted my Jasmine to be able to be played with by actual kids at some point and so she needed to be glued down. As I say, I think My Life As Dolls heads might be a smidge bigger because honestly it was a bit of a struggle (and a few moments of panic) to get it on well as I was trying to glue it on. Then again, it makes me pretty anxious to glue on any wig for some reason so that was part of it. After a bit of pulling and stretching and wiping stray glue away, I got it on and loved it! I love love love Jasmine and am sure she’ll be a favorite in the Doll House! Interestingly enough, the boy doll wig cap seemed larger and easier to put on. 

As I mentioned I bought a ‘few’ wigs… Well, in addition to Jasmine and Oliver’s wigs, I decided to buy one of the nice brown boy wigs for my Josh Doll. He was one of my very first ‘custom’ dolls and I was the one who cut his hair. At the time I thought I’d done a pretty good job… But he did have pretty wild hair. Teehee. I loved him though because he was my Josh doll! I actually bought a boy wig as a replacement a while ago but at the time I told the real Josh that I was going to change his dolls hair and he said “Well, I’ve kind of gotten used to him the way he is” and I was so touched that he liked the way I’d made him that I ended up giving that wig to Kevin Doll. However, when I saw the boy doll wig at LollyLueStephens, I knew it’d be perfect for Josh doll.

Doesn’t he look so handsome?!?!? I love love love him!! So excited for future photos shoots with Josh and Heather Dolls now because he really does look just like my husband now! How fun!
I meant to take photos of the wigs off the dolls to show you the wig caps but in my total excitement to get them put together, I totally glued them down before I thought to. I have to report that they are pretty top notch and well made!! Like I said about the girl one, it seemed way too small at first but ended up fitting just right. So, if you’re looking to customize a fantasy doll of your own and are looking for a more affordable option for fantasy wigs, check out LollyLueStephens wigs! They also have an eBay Store so you can find them there as well. I am sure I’ll get more of their wigs in the future myself. This one is my next favorite but they are all fabulous! 
Better run!
Have a fantastic day!


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