Meet Prism! My Latest OOAK Doll!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
I seem to be on a roll lately with custom OOAK dolls… As I mentioned in my last post about the kitchen remodel in the Doll House I got a bit of a windfall of Doll Mad Money and decided this time, instead of buying any new dolls, I would focus on re-making dolls I already own but am not utterly in love with over into dolls I love
I’ve always wanted to buy a Beautifully Custom Doll Wig but they are generally nearly $50 each and that’s more than I ususally pay for a whole doll! However, for whatever reason, when they restocked this time they offered a beautiful rainbow colored wig for only $26 with free shipping! So I knew the time was right to try them and was so excited to get my pretty new doll wig.
It arrived very quickly, just a few days after I ordered it! I couldn’t wait to open it up and put it on!!
It was packaged up so nicely in a really pretty fabric draw string bag and you can tell by just the weight of the wig that it’s a good quality one. 

Look at all those pretty colors!! I knew exactly which doll I was going to use the wig for.

I’d recently found an American Girl Felicity at Goodwill and had cleaned her up and put a wig on her… But I wasn’t totally in love with her in the new wig. So, Felicity it was!
So… Meet Prism!! My newest OOAK Doll! I love love love her!!

I am sure she will be a favorite in the Doll House now because I think she is just so pretty! What do you think? I sure hope you like her too.

Better run!
Till Next Time!

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