Latest Thrifty Finds For The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
As you may know, I recently started a YouTube Channel for this little blog here. It has been lots of fun putting the videos together as I learn to edit and post them. It’s not nearly as hard as I imagined it would be when I started but, especially in its first blush stage where I was trying to post a plethora of videos and launch the channel, it is very time consuming. Given that I work full time at a ‘day job’ and have kids and a husband and a house and and and (all the normal stuff really) it meant that I haven’t had as much time to work on blog posts as I’d like. Haha. I know, first world problems! 
So my point in saying all of that? Well, obviously since I’ve been allowing myself to go to thrift stores again after taking a break for lent I have found bits and bobs for the Doll House that I’ve faithfully taken photos of the day they were aquired but sadly haven’t really gotten a chance to come back and show you in scenes with the dolls yet… So before they get lost in the history of photos on my phone, I decided to just post the photos of the items as I took them when they came home. Then, as I pull them out in the future, I can reference back to this post as to where they were purchased or at least sort of when they were. Make sense? 

These adorable little tea pots made me smile so big! My mother bought me a tea pot very similar to this in ‘real size’ like 20 years ago when she went to Italy. My ‘real’ one is actually shaped like a purple plum but these two doll sized fruit shaped tea pots are likely to be a couple of my favorites in the doll house… Aren’t they cute? The white basket I purchased specifically to make into a ‘planter’ for the doll house. I recenly discovered Be Chic Forever YouTube Channel which is amazing and has such great ideas for Doll Houses. There is one about how to make plants and flower arrangements in doll size and so now when I go to Thrift Stores I am seeing ‘planters’ everywhere. I’ve actually made quite a few flower arrangements for the Doll House already, I just haven’t taken the time to point them out or show them to you specifically. A couple of them turned out really cute so that post will be coming soon.
Speaking of planters… I may have used a couple of these napkin rings towards that… More on that when I tell you about what I made! (Think plants and planters and I bet you can guess) You can find napkin rings at thrift stores for like a dime a dozen (well no really but always cheap) because very few people actually use them anymore. I’ve been wanting to come up with a ‘doll application’ for them for a while now and so I was excited to think of a doll craft that they will work for! Stay tuned to future postings for that!
I begin to think I may have a problem when it comes to doll sized dishes. I can’t seem to pass them up when I find them! Aren’t these plates cute?!?! I love the pasta plates with the olives on them! So adorable! I’ll have to figure out how to make some doll sized spaghetti for them! Right? The mirrored candle holder? Again, got that to use as a planter! The little tea set… Well, can you have too many tea sets when you have as many dolls as I do? I say no. Hahaha.

This is a crazy mix of stuff I know but I have ideas for all of it in the Doll House. The little bottles in the top right I have already used as ‘Candy jars’ in the Sweet Shoppe and isn’t that plush toy adorable!??! My daughter collected the ‘real size’ ones of this sort so it made me happy to find a doll sized one!

This ‘well’ I bought because I think it might look very cute in an ‘outside’ scene with the dolls making wishes…. I’ll have to change it just a bit but that’s my plan.

Books and candles… Can you ever have too many? I say no.

Yes… More dishes and cups… I can’t help myself!! But just to prove to you I don’t buy every doll related item I see at thrift stores I have started taking photos of the ‘ones that got away’ too! Meaning things I see that I am somewhat tempted to buy because, well, doll sized. Right?

I saw this doll at Goodwill but I already have this one because I found her at a Flea Market last year.

Then in the next aisle, I found another doll! You may notice I carried the first one with me to that aisle..! I said I didn’t buy her, I didn’t say I wasn’t tempted to! But I made myself set down the first one and walk away from both of them. As you may have been reading, I feel like I have ‘enough’ dolls so unless I have a specific purpose in mind for them when I buy them (say to use as a body transplant for another doll with a face sculpt I can’t not have in my collection or something). 

This one was hard to walk away from too! I think it would be so cute in outdoor photos. In fact, I went back to this thrift store later in that week deciding that if it was still there, I was going to get it. However, it was gone. Never walk away from a treasure you can’t live without at a Thrift Store, that’s for sure! Oh well, it’s for the best because I only have so much room to store stuff and it is a large item!

These dishes nearly got me too.  Aren’t they adorable! They wanted too much for them I thought though and so I walked away. (Don’t think I won’t be checking back to see if they make it to mark downs though because they are so cute!)

This one was hard to walk away from because I have one already and the more I get the more cute it would be to make them into a ‘wall of lockers’ for a school scene. I was too cheap to pay $3.99 for it though so it stayed there.

This, too, was hard to walk away from! A bowling bag!! But it was $4 and I have loads of doll bags and so it stayed there too.

So, see? I don’t buy all the doll sized items I see…. Just most of them! Hahaha!

Better run!
Till Next Time!

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