Introducing Spectrum! Another OOAK Doll In The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Uh oh… I’ve seemingly become somewhat obsessed with doll wigs and customizing lately. I mean, I’ve done many doll makeovers in my time writing this little blog here but the further I get into my doll hobby, the more bold I get in my choices. Since I do have quite a few dolls (And isn’t that a nice calm way to say that about this Doll Army I’ve been building? Hahaha!) I guess I have decided that some of them deserve a bit more attention rather than collecting dust in their wigs. Right? All dolls need some love afterall. 
So finding the ‘fantasy’ colored wigs has been so much fun! I say ‘finding’ them as if I hadn’t seen customized OOAK dolls on Pinterest and such. However, I guess I found the wigs so ‘expensive’ when compared to, you know, an entire new dolls (hair included!) that it seemed silly to buy them. If that makes sense? That being said, now that I really feel I need to stop buying dolls so much, spending ‘doll sized money’ on new wigs for the dolls I already own started to make more sense. Not to mention that I found the ‘first’ fantasy wigs I bought  were a really great deal. Finding those made me start to watch eBay for other pretty and affordable options in the fantasy wigs. So that’s how I happened to find this one… For some reason, the night I found and bought it, it was marked only $13.99 plus $4.95 shipping! So less than $18 shipped!? What?! Naturally I bought it immediately because the other wigs in the sellers online shop were all in the $30 range save one that I also wanted to buy that was marked a dollar more than this one. However, sometimes when you’ve spent quite a bit of money on doll stuff your Doll Mad Money can run low and even another $18 isn’t in the budget so I just purchased the one. When I went back to look the very next morning, the prices were both back up to $30?! So… Suffice to say I am totally stoked to have gotten at least the one for such a great deal!! (And trying not to kick myself for not buying that second one for such a steal too! LOL) 
So what is the shop? It is called Exquisite Doll Designs and they have both that Etsy shop and an eBay Store for Exquisite Doll . I linked the Etsy shop first because it seems she sells them a few dollars cheaper there (likely because lower fees than ebay I imagine).

So here is the wig as it arrived. I loved the little chevron printed bag and the wig was also in a plastic ziplock bag and a hair net with tissue paper in the cap of the wig to holds it’s shape. Very top notch all around.

I decided that Adilyn (on the left) was going to be the one who would be getting a new wig. I originally found her for only $2.99 and brought her home and cleaned her up and admired her… But mostly she just sat on the shelf especially since I got her sister Aliyah  as a gift from my husband. Because I am not trying to play favorites but naturally the doll I got from hubby means at least a bit more to me than her thrifted sister. Is that wrong? Eitherwise, she was collecting dust in her hair. Poor dear. So… It was time for a whole new lease on life! 

Here are the two sisters next to one another for the last time where they both have the gorgeous jet black hair. Don’t they nearly look like twins despite Adilyn being a Journey Girl and Aliyah being an Espari doll? Actually, poor Adilyn had been rather roughly played with at her last house and I suspect her hair was quite a lot thinner than it might’ve been when she was new out of the box. So a new wig wasn’t totally out of the question in any case. 

They really are pretty sisters! They are named after a couple of sweet girlies I know in real life who used to be in the Awana program when I was a teacher so they really are special to me for that reason too.

So meet Spectrum Adilyn!! I gave her a new ‘fantasy’ name but kept Adilyn because I didn’t want her to get some manner of identity crisis. Hahaha. She, in my ‘doll stories’ will still be Aliyah’s sister… Just with fancy rainbow hair. 
Isn’t she gorgeous!?!?! I know she is going to see a lot more time in Doll House photos now because I smile every time I look at her. 

The wig is really nice and I love it. I am positive that, as soon as June comes and my Doll Mad Money is replenished, I going to be purchasing at least one more. Maybe that is what I’ll do, buy one a month as I slowly re-make dolls in the doll house who need more love? So if you’re looking for a great doll wig at a great price, check out this great seller. I am sure they’ll become a favorite of mine.
I changed the photos to grayscale like I like to do sometimes and thought it was so interesting that in these photos, you’d think she had blonde hair with highlights! Don’t you think?

Better run!
Till Next Time!!

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